For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APARTMENT. A multi-family dwelling comprised of two or more dwelling units, i.e. apartments, and each having a separate entrance or entrances.
   BARN. A building or shed used for storage, farm products, or sheltering livestock.
   CHIMNEY. Flue or flues that carries off exhaust from any type of furnace.
   DANGEROUS DOG. A dog that is a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare of the village.
   DETERIORATION. The condition or appearance of the exterior of the building or part thereof, characterized by holes, breaks, rot, crumbling, peeling, rusting, or other evidence of physical decay, neglect, or lack of maintenance.
   DUPLEX. A building consisting of two dwelling units.
   DWELLING. A building designed for and occupied for residential use including one-family, two-family, and multi-family dwellings, but not including hotels, motels, boarding houses, tourist homes, tents, or camping trailers.
   EXTERIOR. Those portions of a building which are exposed to public view and the open space of any premises outside of any building.
   FOUNDATION. Construction primary below grade which provides support for exterior walls or other structural parts of a building or structure.
   GARBAGE. Animal and vegetable waste resulting from handling, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food.
   INFESTATION. The presence of insects, rodents, vermin, or other pests on the premises which constitute a health hazard.
   JUNK MOTOR VEHICLE. That which is defined by the statutes of the state and ordinances of the village, and declared thereby to be a junk motor vehicle.
   KENNEL. A place where a person, partnership, firm, company, or corporation engages in the breeding of dogs for commercial sale.
   MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS. A building or portion thereof consisting of three or more
dwelling units, including apartment houses, town houses, flats, or row houses.
   MUZZLE. A leather or wire device that when fitted over an animals snout prevents biting.
   NUISANCE. That which is defined by the statutes of the state and ordinances of the village and declared thereby to be a nuisance.
   OCCUPANT. Any person living and sleeping in a dwelling unit or having actual possession of the dwelling unit or any person who leases or rents a nonresidential building, structure, or any portion thereof.
   OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE. Any equipment, device, appliance, or apparatus, or any part thereof, which is installed, affixed, or situated outdoors for the primary purpose of combustion of fuel to produce heat or energy used as a component of a heating system providing heat for any interior space or water source. An OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE may also be referred to as an outdoor wood boiler or outdoor wood-fire hydronic heater.
   OWNER. Any person(s) or legal entity who, alone or jointly with others, shall have legal or equitable title to any premises, with or without the accompanying actual possession thereof; or shall have charge, care, or control as owner or agent of the owner; or as executor, administrator, trustee, receiver or guardian of the estate, or as a mortgagee in possession.
   PERSON. Includes any individual, corporation, association, partnership, trustee, lessee, agent, or assignee.
   PREMISES. A lot, plot, or parcel of land, including the buildings or structures thereon.
   PRIVATE GARAGE. A building or part thereof accessory to a main building providing for the storage of motor vehicles and in which no occupation, business, or service for profit is carried on.
   PROPERTY MAINTENANCE OFFICER. The Mayor or Chief of Police of the village, or any duly authorized agent thereof.
   REFUSE. All putrescible and non-putrescible solid wastes (except body wastes) including, but not limited to: garbage, rubbish, ashes, dead animals, and industrial wastes; any accumulation of brush, broken glass, or stumps and roots that present a safety hazard; and all garbage, trash, and/or debris which present an unsanitary or safety hazard.
   RUBBISH. Non-putrescible solid waste consisting of combustible and noncombustible wastes such as paper, wrappings, tin cans, yard clippings, leaves, wood, glass, crockery, plastics, and similar materials.
   WILD, DANGEROUS, UNDOMESTICATED, OR EXOTIC ANIMALS. An animal whose natural habitat is the wilderness and which, when in human society, is usually confined to a zoological park or exotic animal farm.
   YARD. The ground surrounding a building or group of buildings.
(Ord. 2009-23, passed 9-8-2009)