(A) The village reserves the right to require a discharge permit from nonresidential users of the sewer, and if the village does exercise the option, nonresidential users shall not discharge to a sewer without having first applied for and obtained a permit from the Board of Public Affairs. Upon official notification from the Board of Public Affairs, each nonresidential user presently discharging material to the sewer shall apply for and obtain such a discharge permit within 90 days from the date of such notification.
(B) The application for a discharge permit shall be made on a form provided for that purpose by the Board of Public Affairs and shall be fully completed under oath by the property owner, user, or a duly authorized and knowledgeable officer, agent, or representative thereof, and acknowledged. If requested, the person making application shall also submit such scientific or testing data, or other information as may be required by the Board of Public Affairs. The Board of Public Affairs shall also have, at its discretion, the right to personally inspect the premises, equipment and material, and laboratory testing facilities of the applicant.
(C) No fee shall be charged for a discharge application of permit, unless the Board of Public Affairs will incur costs to have the application reviewed by a private firm. The Board of Public Affairs will then charge fees to cover such costs.
(D) No discharge permit shall be issued by the Board of Public Affairs to any person whose discharge of material to sewers, whether shown upon the application is determined after inspection and testing conducted by the Board of Public Affairs, is not in conformance with federal, state, or village statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations, unless a waiver or variance of such standards and requirements is granted by the Board of Public Affairs in the manner hereinafter set forth. The Board of Public Affairs shall state in writing the reason or reasons for denial or requirement for waiver-variance and said written communication shall be mailed or personally delivered to the applicant within five days after denial.
(E) In the event the type or volume of material from property for which a discharge permit was previously granted shall materially and substantially change, the person granted such permit previously shall make a new application to the Board of Public Affairs in the same manner and form as originally made.
(F) If the application for a new permit or for one because of change in the type or volume of material discharge is denied by the Board of Public Affairs, or if the discharge indicated from the permit application or inspection is not in accordance with the requirements of division (D) above, and a waiver or variance is required, the user may have the Board of Public Affairs review the denial or may request waiver-variance, provided the user shall give written notice of his or her request within 30 days after receiving the denial. The Board of Public Affairs shall review the permit application, the written denial, and such other evidence and matters as the applicant and the Board of Public Affairs shall present at its next regular meeting following receipt of request for its review, and the decision of the Board of Public Affairs rendered publicly at said meeting shall be final.
(G) In the event that any discharge of material to a sewer shall materially and substantially differ in type and volume than shown in the application and permit, the person and user shall immediately, upon order of the Board of Public affairs, cease and desist from such discharge and shall also be subject to disconnection, fine, and other penalties provided by this chapter.
(H) A grant of waiver or variance by the Board of Public Affairs may set forth such conditions, exceptions, time limitations, durations, and expirations as the Board of Public Affairs deems necessary and proper.
(Ord. 1983-15, passed 12-5-1983)