§ 51.15 RATES.
   (A)   Rates for service within the village limits. Rate increases shall become effective July 1 of each calendar year.
      (1)   Minimum gallons: first 3,000 gallons.
      (2)   Base rate: $13.91.
      (3)   Added incremental fee per 1,000 gallons used: $3.83.
   (B)   Rates for service beyond the village limits.
      (1)   Minimum gallons: first 3,000 gallons.
      (2)   Base rate: $16.38.
      (3)   Added incremental fee per 1,000 gallons used: $4.22.
   (C)   Special rate. A special rate may be established by contract with the Board of Public Affairs if conditions warrant.
   (D)   Future increases. Effective January 1, 2017, the aforementioned base rates and incremental fees for services within and beyond the village limits shall increase by 3%, and thereafter said rates and fees shall increase by a like amount on every successive year after passage of this section.
(Ord. 2009-16, passed 5-18-2009; Ord. 2010-19, passed 7-6-2010; Ord. 2012-24, passed 12-17-2012; Ord. 2015-8, passed 4-20-2015)