(A)   The rules, regulations, and procedures as adopted by the County Engineer and Board of Commissioners is hereby adopted by the village and incorporated in this section as if fully restated herein:
      (1)   General Specifications for the Installation and Construction of Privately Constructed and Financed Sanitary Sewage Systems and/or Water Supply, Treatment, and Distribution Systems in Wayne County, Ohio as Adopted January, 1975;
      (2)   Rules, Regulations, Procedures and Basis of Design for the Installation and Construction of Privately Constructed and Financed Sanitary Sewage Systems and/or Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution Systems in Wayne County, Ohio as Adopted January, 1975; and
      (3)   Wayne County Engineer’s Code for Subdivision Development (Regular Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewers, Water System, and Streets) as Adopted January, 1979.
   (B)   All amendments made by the County Engineer or Board of Commissioners to the rules, regulations, and procedures incorporated into this section after the effective date of this section shall be deemed to have amended and modified this section and shall be incorporated into this section upon the effective date of said amendments.
(Ord. 1980-25, passed 10-6-1980)