(A)   The Fiscal Officer is authorized to obtain and have issued no more than four credit cards on one account in the name of the village for use by the Fiscal Officer, Mayor, President of Council, and Village Secretary for purposes of incurring expenses preauthorized by Village Council for necessary village operations when no alternative form of payment is available.
   (B)   No obligation shall be incurred, nor shall such obligation be deemed a valid obligation of the village, unless such obligation is for matters otherwise properly provided for in the budget of the village.
   (C)   The combined credit limit for the aforementioned account shall not exceed the sum of $2,000, thus precluding the charging or using of said card beyond said debt limit. Cash advances on all village credit cards are strictly prohibited.
   (D)   All charges shall be reported to the Village Fiscal Officer for review.
(Ord. 2005-7, passed 8-1-2005)