(A)   The village hereby adopts a plan under the deferred compensation program, and shall properly contract with any eligible employee who desires to participate in the plan. The village’s plan shall be the uniform plan as promulgated by and as amended from time to time by the Board.
   (B)   The Board is hereby authorized to administer the plan under the program, and to do all things necessary or proper for the administration of the plan, consistent with the enabling statutes and all the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board, whether by the Ohio Administrative Code or otherwise, and consistent with the Program Adoption Agreement executed by the village.
   (C)   The Fiscal officer is hereby appointed the Responsible Official and is authorized and directed by the governing body to execute the program adoption agreement.
   (D)   Consistent with the Program adoption agreement and the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board, the proper officials, officers, employees, and agents of the village are authorized to provide the Board with any information they may properly require for the administration of the plan under the program.
(Res. 1998-11, passed 9-21-1998)