(A) An organization to be known as the County-Wide Civil Defense Organization be formed to perform the services of coordinating the civil defense activities of the county and the political subdivisions therein, entering into agreements in accordance with the provisions hereinafter set forth and that this Council enter into such an agreement.
(B) The County Civil Defense Organization, hereby authorized, is to render the services of coordinating the civil defense activities of each party hereto and to exercise for and on behalf of each party hereto such power and authority incident thereto as it may lawfully do, consistent with state statutes and such regulations as have been or shall be promulgated by the Governor of the state, the provisions of this section as hereinafter set forth, and the power of the parties hereto authorized in coordinating such civil defense activities with and within the county.
(C) There shall be established, pursuant to this section, and Advisory Council of Civil Defense, composed of the County Commissioners, and the Mayor or Chief Executive Officer of each of the political subdivisions entering into this agreement. The Council shall select its own Chairperson. The Council shall meet at the call of the Civil Defense Executive Committee to advise with it on matters of Civil Defense.
(D) There shall be established a Civil Defense Executive Committee, which Committee shall be composed of one member of the Board of County Commissioners chosen annually by said Board, the Mayor of the City of Wooster (the largest municipality in the county), one member chosen annually by and representing the Mayors of other municipalities entering this agreement, one member chosen annually by and representing the Township Trustees of those Townships entering this agreement, and one citizen chosen at large from the country by unanimous selection of the other four members annually. The Executive Committee shall select its own Chairperson. Attendance of any three members shall constitute quorum of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet on call of the Chairperson or upon request of the Civil Defense Director.
(E) The Civil Defense Executive Committee shall employ, by suitable contract, or appoint, if a volunteer, a Civil Defense Director whose duties shall be such as are prescribed by R.C. § 5913.07 and as further prescribed herein and who shall hold office in accordance with the provisions of said contract, or if a volunteer, during the pleasure of the Executive Committee. The Civil Defense Director may appoint, from time to time, a Deputy Director and/or such other assistants to the Director as he or she deems advisable who shall hold office during his or her pleasure. The Director, and the assistants to the Director, shall not be compensated for services rendered unless approved by action of the Executive Committee. The Director may, with the prior consent of the Executive Committee, employ such technical, clerical, stenographic, and other personnel as deemed necessary and fix their compensation when they are to be compensated. The salary of the Director and the salaries of other paid personnel shall be paid from the County Civil Defense Fund. The Director shall have such additional authority, duties, and responsibilities as are authorized by this section or as may from time to time be established by the Executive Committee.
(F) The Executive Committee shall prepare a budget for each year, under such rules and regulations as it may prescribe. Such rules and regulations shall include provisions for hearing from the participating political subdivisions and for adjustments to be made to such budget. The funds provided for in said budget and all other funds received from whatever source, or by whatever means, for civil defense by the County Civil Defense Organization shall be paid to the County Treasurer into a special fund and shall be known as the County Civil Defense Fund.
(G) The Executive Committee shall have general direction of the County Civil Defense Organization, and shall be responsible for the carrying out of the provisions of this section through the Civil Defense Director. In performing duties pursuant to this section, the Executive Committee is authorized to cooperate with other political subdivisions, with the state, with other states and the federal government through appropriate channels, and with private agencies in all matters pertaining to Civil Defense activities of the county, state, and nation.
(H) The Director shall have the power, with the consent of the Executive Committee, during time of disaster or Civil Defense emergency, to enter into contracts and incur obligations necessary to alleviate and minimize the effects of such disaster or emergency, protect the lives and safety of persons and property, and to provide emergency assistance to the victims of such disaster.
(I) Each participating party hereto agrees to pay into the County Civil Defense Fund an assessment of $50 which is for one year. This shall also be the assessment amount per year for the first five years of the county-wide agreement. At the end of the fifth year the program shall be re-evaluated by the Civil Defense Executive Committee and a now assessment established which must be approved by a majority vote of the participating member.
(J) This agreement may be amended or altered at any time by a majority of the parties hereto, including the county and Wooster City (largest municipality in the county).
(Ord. 288, passed - -)