(A) Employment positions.
(1) Village Fiscal Officer. Said position is part-time, 35 hours per week. To receive 40 hours of vacation for the first year, ten days for the second year, and two weeks for the third year. Also to receive sick time and holidays per policy book. No health benefits at this time.
(2) Part-time Administrative Assistant to the Fiscal Officer. The second Monday of each month work hours will include attending the 6:30 p.m. BPA meeting, with this position comes no benefits.
(3) Water and Sewer Treatment Plant Operator (40 hrs/wk). Licenses required for the Water and Sewer Treatment Plant Operator shall be Water Class I and Sewer Class III licenses. On the second Monday of each month, work hours will be 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. in order to attend the 6:30 p.m. BPA meeting. To receive two weeks’ vacation after one year.
(4) Working Supervisor over Streets and Maintenance. Hourly employee.
(5) Police Chief over Village Police Department. Full-time salary and full benefits. Subject to call out as needed.
(6) Part-time police.
(a) Sergeant - hourly employee.
(b) Police Officer - hourly employee. All officers to receive $250 in clothing allowance. If not used in one year, the allowance may carry over.
(7) Laborer. Hourly employee.
(8) Park Attendant.
(a) As an independent contractor, the Custodian/Park Attendant shall be paid at the rate of $25 per rental, with the exception of group rentals, monthly for cleaning of Mayer Carson Hall. On months with less than four rentals, a guaranteed pay of $100 will be given.
(b) New employees may be paid an hourly rate in excess of the rate set fourth in this section upon recommendation of the Mayor and approval by Council by granting credit for new employees training, education, and experience. All new employees must meet a 90-day probation period.
(B) Reimbursement for personal vehicle use.
(1) An employee required to use his or her personal vehicle for travel on village business beyond the corporate limits of the village shall be reimbursed for such travel at the rate of $0.45 per mile. Request for reimbursement shall be in writing, signed by the employee, and shall state the date, destination, purpose, and mileage.
(2) Requests must be turned in every two weeks, if a village vehicle is available for such travel, reimbursement shall be allowed only if the Mayor has approved the use of such employee’s personal vehicle for such travel. All school tuition expenses for water or sewer license or CDL license shall be reimbursed after a certificate of completion and proof of a passing grade of the class attended are provided to the Mayor and Council. License fees and test fees will be paid by the village only if the license is required. CDL will pay different than regular license. After license for sewer or water is passed and the village pays for it, the employee shall have three years’ commitment to the village for working or must make reimbursement to the village for such schooling. There will be no overtime pay or pay for schooling attended to receive license for certificate for classes on sewer or water.
(Ord. 2011-6, passed 2-7-2011)