(A)   Within any floodway area, manufactured homes consisting of only one transportable section shall be prohibited.
   (B)   Within any identified floodplain area (outside the floodway), manufactured homes consisting of only one transportable section shall be prohibited within the area measured 50) feet landward from the top-of-bank of any watercourse.
   (C)   Where permitted within any Identified Floodplain Area, all manufactured homes, and any improvements thereto, shall be:
      (1)   Placed on a permanent foundation;
      (2)   Elevated so that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is at least one and one-half feet above base flood elevation; and
      (3)   Anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement.
   (D)   Equipment requirement:
      (1)   Water heaters, furnaces, air conditioning and ventilating units, and other electrical, mechanical or utility equipment or apparatus shall not be located below the regulatory flood elevation and shall be anchored to resist floatation, collapse, and lateral improvement.
      (2)   Ductwork shall be elevated to or above the regulatory flood elevation or floodproofed to remain water resistant.
   (E)   Installation of manufactured homes shall be done in accordance with the manufacturers' installation instructions as provided by the manufacturer. Where the applicant cannot provide the above information, the requirements of Appendix E of the 2009 “International Residential Building Code” or the “U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Permanent Foundations for Manufactured Housing,” 1984 Edition, draft or latest revision thereto and 34 Pa. Code Chapter 401—405 shall apply.
   (F)   Consideration shall be given to the installation requirements of the 2009 IBC, and the 2009 IRC or the latest revision thereto as adopted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and 34 Pa. Code, as amended where appropriate and/or applicable to units where the manufacturers' standards for anchoring cannot be provided or were not established for the proposed unit(s) installation.
(Ord. 1-2018, passed 2-1-2018)