The following general standards shall apply to all types of development; the township will study the following factors affecting the suitability of a proposed subdivision or land development.
(A) Land subject to flooding and land deemed by the township to be uninhabitable for other reasons shall not be platted for residential occupancy, nor for such other uses as may increase danger to health, life, property, groundwater or aggravate the flood hazard; but such land within a plan shall be set aside for such uses as will not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation or as will not endanger life, property or further aggravate or increase the existing menace. Any development within a floodway shall be in accordance with the applicable DEP permit.
(B) Areas characterized by steep slopes (slopes greater than 15%), geologic formations, sink holes, wetlands or other such features which restrict the usability of the land shall not be subdivided or developed.
(C) In determining the suitability of land for subdivision, the township shall refer to applicable studies by the County Planning Commission, state and federal agencies, including the soil survey prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service.
(D) The layout or arrangement of the subdivision or land development shall conform to the County Comprehensive Plan, the Township Comprehensive Development Plan and to any regulations or maps adopted in furtherance thereof; in addition, the layout or arrangement of the subdivision or land development shall conform to any local level Comprehensive Plan or other applicable ordinances which may exist.
(E) Where evidence indicates that the minimum lot size requirements specified in other sections of this chapter or in any applicable zoning ordinance are not adequate to permit the installation of individual on-lot water and/or sewage disposal facilities, along with an area to be set aside for a replacement sewage absorption bed, the township shall require that the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) or the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) make such tests as are necessary to determine the adequacy of the proposed facilities in relation to the provisions of the State Sewage Facilities Act 537, 35 P.S. §§ 750.1 et seq., as amended, plus other applicable state or local regulations. The township shall review and shall make a final determination on the adequacy of the proposed facility.
(F) No subdivision showing reserve strips controlling the access to public ways will be approved, except where the control and disposal of the land comprising such strips are definitely placed within the jurisdiction of the township under agreement meeting the approval of the township.
(G) Lot lines shall, where possible, follow municipal and county boundary lines rather than cross them.
(H) All subdivision and land developments shall be designed and constructed in accordance with recommendations received from the Township Engineer.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)