A. Significant Non-Categorical Industrial Users:
1. Significant non-categorical industrial users shall, at a frequency determined by the pretreatment coordinator but in no case less than twice per year (on dates specified by the village) submit a report to the village with a description of the nature, concentration of pollutants in the discharge which are limited by pretreatment standards and the measured or estimated average and maximum daily flows for the reporting period. All periodic compliance reports must be signed and certified in accordance with section 8-2-7-6 of this chapter.
2. These reports shall be based on sampling and analysis performed in the period covered by the report, and performed in accordance with the techniques described in 40 CFR Part 136 and amendments thereto. All wastewater samples must be representative of the user's discharge and comply with the requirements of sections 8-2-5-8 and 8-2-5-9.
3. All sampling and analysis may be performed by the village in lieu of significant non-categorical industrial user. In such cases, the village will issue an attachment to the wastewater discharge permit that specifies the village will perform sampling and analysis semi-annually at minimum.
4. In cases where the pretreatment standard requires compliance with a best management practice (BMP) or pollution prevention alternative, the user must submit documentation required by the pretreatment coordinator or the pretreatment standard necessary to determine the compliance status of the user.
5. Where the village itself collects all the information required for the report, the significant non-categorical industrial user will not be required to submit the report.
B. Categorical Industrial Users:
1. All industrial users subject to a categorical pretreatment standard (categorical industrial users) shall, at a frequency determined by the pretreatment coordinator but in no case less than twice per year (in July and January), submit a report indicating the nature and concentration of pollutants in the discharge which are limited by pretreatment standards and the measured or estimated average and maximum daily flows for the reporting period. At the recommendation of the village engineer and in consideration of such factors as local high or low flow rates, holidays, budget cycles, etc., the village may agree to alter the months during which the above reports are to be submitted. All periodic compliance reports must be signed and certified in accordance with section 8-2-7-6 of this chapter.
2. These reports shall be based on sampling and analysis performed in the period covered by the report, and performed in accordance with the techniques described in 40 CFR Part 136 and amendments thereto. All wastewater samples must be representative of the user's discharge and comply with the requirements of sections 8-2-5-8 and 8-2-5-9. Wastewater monitoring and flow measurement facilities shall be properly operated, kept clean, and maintained in good working order at all times. The failure of a user to keep its monitoring facility in good working order shall not be grounds for the user to claim that sample results are unrepresentative of its discharge.
3. This sampling and analysis may be performed by the village in lieu of the categorical industrial user. In such cases, the village will issue an attachment to the wastewater discharge permit that specifies the village will perform sampling and analysis semi-annually at minimum.
5. Where the village has imposed mass limitations on users as provided for by 40 CFR Section 403.6(d), the report required by subsection B1 of this section shall indicate the mass of pollutants regulated by the pretreatment standards in the discharge from the industrial user.
6. For users subject to equivalent mass or concentration limits established by the village in accordance with the procedures in subsection 8-2-5-3E of this chapter, the report required by subsection B1 of this section shall contain a reasonable measure of the user's long term production rate. For all other users subject to categorical pretreatment standards expressed only in terms of allowable pollutant discharge per unit of production (or other measure of operation), the report required by subsection B1 of this section shall include the user's actual average production rate for the reporting period.
7. In cases where the pretreatment standard requires compliance with a best management practice (BMP) or pollution prevention alternative, the user must submit documentation required by the pretreatment coordinator or the pretreatment standard necessary to determine the compliance status of the user.
8. Upon approval of a monitoring waiver for pollutants found to be not present and revision of the user's permit by the pretreatment coordinator, the user must certify on each periodic report with the statement in section 8-2-7-6, that there has been no increase in the pollutant in its wastestream due to activities of the User with the following statement:
"Based on my inquiry of the Person or Persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the Pretreatment Standard for 40 CFR _______(specify applicable National Categorical Pretreatment Standard part(s)), I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, there has been no increase in the level of the _________(list the categorically regulated Pollutant(s)) in the Wastewaters due to the activities at the facility since filing of the last periodic report."
9. In the event that a waived pollutant is found to be present or is expected to be present because of changes that occur in the user's operations, the user must immediately comply with the monitoring requirements of subsection 8-2-9-3B1 or other more frequent monitoring requirements imposed by the pretreatment coordinator, and notify the pretreatment coordinator.
C. Non-Significant Categorical Industrial Users:
1. Non-significant categorical industrial users as defined in section 8-2-1-7 shall, at a frequency determined by the pretreatment coordinator but in no case less than twice per year (on dates specified by the village) submit a report which contains the certification statement contained in subsection C3 below and a description of the nature, concentration, and flow of the pollutants required to be reported by the village.
2. These reports shall be based on sampling and analysis performed in the period covered by the report, and performed in accordance with the techniques described in 40 CFR Part 136 and amendments thereto. This sampling and analysis may be performed by the village in lieu of non-significant categorical industrial user. In such cases, the village will issue an attachment to the wastewater discharge permit that specifies the SIU has determined the village will perform sampling and analysis semi-annually. Where the village itself collects all the information required for the report, the non-significant categorical industrial user will not be required to submit the report.
3. Certification Statement: A facility determined to be a non-significant categorical user by the pretreatment coordinator must annually submit the following certification statement signed in accordance with the signatory requirements in section 8-2-1-7 of this chapter.
"Based on my inquiry of the Person or Persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the Categorical Pretreatment Standards under 40 CFR ___, I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief that during the period from _____________,________ to _____________,________ (months, days, year):
a) The facility described as ________________________ _________ (facility name) met the definition of a Non-Significant Categorical Industrial User as described by Section 8-2-1-7;
b) The facility complied with all applicable Pretreatment Standards and Requirements during this reporting period; and
c) The facility never Discharged more than 100 gallons of total categorical Wastewater on any given day during this reporting period.
This compliance certification is based on the following information:
______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________"
4. The report is required to be signed by an authorized representative of the user.
D. Other Non-SIU Regulated Users:
1. Categorical zero process dischargers, non-categorical zero process dischargers, batch dischargers, FSE and any firms regulated by individual or general permit requirements including but not limited to BMP shall, at a frequency determined by the pretreatment coordinator, submit a periodic report as defined in their wastewater discharge permits.
2. The reports may require sampling and analyses or some other measure to determine compliance with permit pretreatment standards and requirements. The user must submit documentation necessary to determine the compliance status of user as defined by the pretreatment coordinator and identified in the wastewater discharge permit. (Ord. 20-08-25, 8-10-2020)