(A)   The preliminary plat shall be at a minimum scale of one inch equals 100 feet. In no case shall it be on less than 18-inch by 24-inch sheets of paper.
   (B)   It shall show existing conditions and all proposals, including the following:
      (1)   Name of proposed subdivision, name and address of subdivider, agent and principal persons preparing the preliminary plat;
      (2)   Scale and north arrow;
      (3)   Proposed benchmark locations, proposed location of and method of tie to permanent survey monuments and proposed location and type of subdivision control monuments; descriptions of all monuments found or set;
      (4)   Plat boundary lines: bearing in degrees, minutes and seconds; distances in feet and hundredths;
      (5)   Existing conditions of the site and its environs shall include the following:
         (a)   Present site designation or subdivision name;
         (b)   Easements on site: location, width and purpose;
         (c)   Public rights-of-way on and within 150 feet of the site: name, type and width of paving;
         (d)   Utilities on and adjacent to the site: location and size of water wells, water reservoirs, water lines, sanitary and storm sewers; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles and street lights. If water mains and sewers are not on or adjacent to the tract, indicate the direction, distance and size of nearest lines;
         (e)   Ground elevation on the side based on mean sea level datum as established by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey:
            1.   For land that slopes less than approximately 1%, show contour lines at intervals of not more than one foot and spot elevations at all breaks in grade along all drainage channels or swales, and at selected points not more than 100 feet apart in all directions;
            2.   For land that slopes approximately between 2% to 5%, show contour lines at intervals of not more than two feet; and
            3.   For land that slopes more than 5%, show contour lines at intervals of not more than five feet.
         (f)   Existing storm drainage facilities on and adjacent to the site;
         (g)   Conditions on adjacent land significantly affecting design of the subdivision; approximate direction and gradients of ground slope, character and location of development and building types;
         (h)   If the area proposed to be subdivided is zoned single-family residential, commercial and is adjacent to active agricultural operations, then the subdivider shall be responsible for the installation of a wall or fencing between the subdivision and the agricultural operation. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall determine if the standards proposed for the wall/fence are adequate during the preliminary plat stage of development;
         (i)   A statement of ownership, signed by the subdivider; and
         (j)   Total area of the proposed plat to the nearest one-tenth acre.
      (6)   Location map showing location of the site in relation to well-known landmarks and town boundaries;
      (7)   Proposed lot lines and public right-of-way lines; street names; right-of-way and street widths; indicate roadways intended to be private, rights-of-way for public services or utilities and any limitations thereof;
      (8)   All lots in any subdivision shall meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance and each lot shall be dimensioned in such a manner that setbacks, as required by the zoning ordinance, shall be met for any structure or building that may be or will be constructed on the lot. No platted lot within a subdivision shall contain less square footage than that required by the zoning ordinance;
      (9)   Number or letter to identify each proposed lot and block;
      (10)   Locations, dimensions, approximate areas and purposes of lots proposed to be reserved for the public;
      (11)   Sites and approximate area for any multi-family dwellings or non-residential uses;
      (12)   Every lot shall front on or have access to a public street; and
      (13)   All public entity easements and improvements.
(Ord. 2013-02, passed 3-19-2013) Penalty, see § 151.999