(A) Application for subdivision approval shall be submitted to the planning staff on prescribed forms. Application forms are available at City Hall.
(B) All completed applications and plats shall be submitted not later than 15 business days prior to the day of the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission at which time it is to be considered. All applicants should submit plats as early as possible to ensure that required review can be accomplished. At this time, all preliminary plat review fees shall have been paid in full prior to placing the application on the Planning and Zoning Commission agenda.
(C) Eight copies of the preliminary plat and supplemental material will be submitted by the subdivider with the written application. The planning staff shall review the preliminary plat and supplemental material.
(D) The application and preliminary plat of the subdivision shall be placed on the Planning and Zoning Commission agenda. The subdivider, or his or her representative, shall be notified by mail to the address on the plat of the time, place and date of the public hearing not less than five business days before the day of the hearing.
(E) The subdivider shall notify, by certified mail, return receipt requested, all owners of property located in whole or in part within 300 feet, exclusive of streets, of the parcel to be subdivided, notifying said property owners of the time, place and date of the public hearing at which the preliminary plat is to be considered and describing the proposed subdivision. The subdivider shall further provide the Planning and Zoning Commission with return receipts as evidence of the subdivider’s efforts to notify said property owners. Where a proposed subdivision faces an existing public street, the measurement of 300 feet shall be made from points on either side of the street, excluding the street from the 300 foot measurement.
(F) The subdivider shall be responsible for providing preliminary plats and other information determined to be necessary for the purpose of describing the subdivision. Signs will be posted on the property with subdivision application forms, plats and supporting data by planning staff. Signs will be posted at intervals of 150 feet across the front lot line of the tract proposed to be subdivided.
(G) It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider, or his or her representative, to make the presentation before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be recorded in the minutes of the public hearing. A copy of said minutes shall be furnished to the subdivider. Approval of a preliminary plat shall not constitute approval of the final plat. Preliminary approval shall confer upon the subdivider the rights and guarantee, during the two-year period from the date of approval, that the general terms and conditions under which the preliminary approval was granted will not be affected by any changes and/or amendments to these regulations. Approval of a preliminary plat shall be effective for two years. The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve a plat as submitted or it may require certain conditions for approval. When these conditions are met and confirmed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, it shall be considered approved as a preliminary plat.
(H) If the preliminary plat is denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the subdivider, or his or her representative, has the right to appeal the decision. The appeal shall be submitted in writing to the City Clerk, and it shall then be placed on the agenda of the Board of Trustees for its consideration.
(Ord. 2013-02, passed 3-19-2013)