When a person is required to obtain a license as provided in §§ 110.12 through 110.23 or a registration as provided in §§ 110.02 through 110.11 and has violated any section in §§ 110.12 through 110.23 or any other city ordinance relating thereto, or has failed to comply with the New Mexico Unfair Practices Act, being NMSA §§ 57-12-1 et seq., or any other provision of state law pertaining to such business, or whenever in the judgment of the City Clerk the public welfare should require it, any such license or business registration issued such person by the city may be revoked.
(Ord. 2010-016, passed 11-18-2010)
Statutory reference:
   Denial or revocation of license, see NMSA § 3-38-2