The Village Council may determine that a section of town requires sidewalk repair or installation. If sidewalks are currently present, they will be assessed as to their deterioration for repair and a determination will be made if they need to be replaced/repaired. This can be done on a slab by slab basis or an entire section. If sidewalks are not present, a plan will be developed for installation. Notification will be sent to the affected property owners informing them of the plan. Property owners will be given 90 days to comply with the notice. After 90 days, the village will have the sidewalks installed. Upon completion, the owner will be billed and given 30 days for remittance. If not paid, the amount will be assessed and submitted to the Shelby County Auditor’s offices to be collected with their property taxes. Any fees incurred to process the assessment will be included in the total amount due that is submitted to the Auditor.
(Ord. 1660-14, passed 12-23-2014)