All territory which may be annexed to the City shall be considered as lying in the R-1 District until such classification has been changed by amendment in accordance with the provisions of Section 196.04 of this Zoning Ordinance.
Except as otherwise specified in this Zoning Ordinance, no building or structure shall be erected, converted, enlarged, reconstructed or structurally altered, nor shall any building or land be used, which does not comply with all of the district regulations established by this Zoning Ordinance for the district in which the building or land is located. To be built upon, a parcel of land shall be platted or meet the requirements and criteria in Section 200.07 and Section 200.40 of this Code of Ordinances in order to be exempted from subdivision by the Council.
Except as permitted in Section 196.03 of this Zoning Ordinance, all single-family lots shall abut for at least forty feet on at least one public street. All other lots shall have access to public streets either by abutting directly on them or by public way, provided driveway separations onto public streets conform to the City standards.
In any residence district, there shall be a minimum required front yard as stated in the yard requirements for that particular district; provided, however, where lots comprising thirty percent or more of the frontage within 200 feet of either side lot line are developed with buildings at a greater or lesser setback, the required front yard shall be the average of these building setbacks and the minimum required front yard for the undeveloped lots. In computing the average setback, buildings located on reverse corner lots or entirely on the rear half of lots shall not be counted. The required front yard as computed herein need not exceed 50 feet in any case. Exceptions are listed in Section 196.03 of this Zoning Ordinance.
The front yard regulations shall apply to each street side of a corner lot and the Zoning Administrator shall designate the front yard on a corner lot. For corner lots platted or of record prior to March 19, 1959, the side yard regulations shall apply to the longer street side of the lot except in the case of reverse frontage where a corner lot fronts a different street than the lots to the rear of such corner lot. In this case, there shall be a side yard on the longer street side of the corner lot of not less than fifty percent of the front yard required on the lots to the rear of the corner lot, and no accessory building on said corner lot shall project beyond the setback line of the lots to the rear; provided this regulation shall not be so interpreted as to reduce the buildable width of the corner lot facing the intersecting street to less than 28 feet or prohibit the erection of an accessory building.
The front yard regulations shall apply to each street side of a through lot for the principal building or structure and the Zoning Administrator shall designate the front yard of a through lot which shall generally be the yard adjacent to the local street or the street with the lower classification designation. For through lots with a platted landscape or open space buffer or easement across the designated rear yard, accessory buildings shall be located outside any easements and visibility triangles and may be located adjacent to the edge of the buffer or easement opposite the street right-of-way. In zone districts where one and two-family homes are permitted as a use-by-right and the one and two-family lots are platted without a landscape or open space buffer or easement across the designated rear yard, setbacks for accessory buildings shall be outside any visibility triangles and easements and set back a minimum of three (3’) feet fromthe designated rear property line. For one-family and two-family residential lots there shall be no vehicular access to through lots from arterial streets. Buildings and structures for other than one-family and two-family residential lots shall conform to Section 192.02 Site Plan Requirements.