1.   Size, width, depth, shape and orientation of lots may be appropriate for the use of passive and active solar applications and for the locations, type and use of the development; consideration should be given to locating lots to allow buildable sites on each lot which will not encroach into the 100-year flood line.
2.   Lot dimensions shall conform to the requirements of the applicable zoning regulations of the governing body having jurisdiction over such lot.
3.   Lots located within the two-mile area outside the corporate limits shall conform to the requirements of the subdivision regulations of the City or to the County ordinances, whichever are more restrictive. When sanitary sewer and water facilities are not available, such lots shall be of sufficient size to conform to all applicable State and County health regulations.
4.   The corner where streets intersect shall be platted with a radius of not less than fifteen feet.
5.   In all lots so far as possible, side lot lines abutting objectionable uses shall be avoided except where their use will produce definite advantages in accord with sound site planning and proper land use. A planting screen easement of at least ten feet, across which there shall be no right of access, shall be provided along the line of lots abutting objectionable uses, such as railroads, highways, and major and secondary thoroughfare streets when such easement is necessary to provide proper separation of residential development from such objectionable uses.
6.   Butt lots shall be platted at least five feet wider than the average width of the interior lots in the block; their use shall be avoided when possible. For the purpose of this section, a “butt lot” is defined as a lot which is in the middle of and adjacent to two corner lots which front on a platted street.