The following material shall accompany the final plat:
1. A statement by the proprietors and their spouses, if any, that the plat is prepared with their free consent and in accordance with their desire, signed and acknowledged before an officer authorized to take the acknowledgments of deeds. The statement by the proprietors may also include a dedication to the public of all lands within the plat that are designated for streets, alleys, parks, open areas, school property, or other public use, if the dedication is approved by the Council.
2. A statement from the mortgage holders or lienholders, if any, that the plat is prepared with their free consent and in accordance with their desire, signed and acknowledged before an officer authorized to take the acknowledgment of deeds. An affidavit and bond as provided for in Section 354.12 of the Code of Iowa may be recorded in lieu of the consent of the mortgage or lienholder. When a mortgage or lienholder consents to the subdivision, a release of mortgage or lien shall be recorded for any areas conveyed to the City or dedicated to the public.
3. An opinion by an attorney-at-law who has examined the abstract of title of the land being platted. The opinion shall state the names of the proprietors and holders of mortgages, liens or other encumbrances on the land being platted and shall note the encumbrances, along with any bonds securing the encumbrances. Utility easements shall not be construed to be encumbrances for the purpose of this section.
4. A certificate of the County Treasurer that the land is free from certified taxes and certified special assessments or that the land is free from certified taxes and that the certified special assessments are secured by bond in compliance with Section 354.12 of the Code of Iowa.
5. A resolution and certificate for approval by the Council and for signatures of the Mayor and Clerk.
6. A cross section and profile of streets approved by the City Engineer. The profiles shall be drawn to City standard scales and elevations and shall be based on M.S.L. datum plane approved by the City Engineer. The location, size, and grade of all conduits, sewers, pipelines, and similar devices to be placed under the streets and alleys shall be shown in the profile and cross sections where they occur.
7. A grading plan showing areas of excavation, earthwork and soil erosion control methods which will be practiced, and quantities involved in the soil erosion control methods.
8. All protective covenants, affecting the subdivided land, in form for recording.
9. Such other certificates, affidavits, endorsements, or deductions as may be required by the Commission in the enforcement of these regulations.
All improvements required to be installed pursuant to the subdivision regulations of the City shall be installed prior to the issuance of building permits for buildings or structures lying within the plat unless performance bonds and/or a letter of credit for sidewalks, street trees and erosion control insuring the completion of all required public improvements are filed with the City, under the provisions of Section 200.39. In no event shall occupancy permits be issued authorizing the occupancy of any dwelling or structure within any plat until all improvements have been completed and accepted by the City.
Public streets and other public improvements shall only be accepted by the Council after the following procedures have been undertaken and completed:
1. Prior to the construction of any public improvement, the developer shall submit to the City Engineering Department three copies of the construction contract and a maintenance bond complying with the provisions of Section 200.39.
2. The City Engineering Department shall thereupon check the construction plans and bond to insure compliance with the regulations of the City. After ascertaining that the construction contracts and bonds comply with the provisions of this chapter, the Engineering Department shall submit the same to the Council for its approval.
3. All improvements must be constructed and installed in accordance with these regulations and the specifications of the City.
4. All public improvements constructed under the provisions of these ordinances must first be approved by the City Engineer prior to their acceptance by the Council.
The standards and details of design contained in the following Sections 200.31 through 200.34 are intended only as minimum requirements and the subdivider should use standards consistent with the site conditions to assure an economical, pleasant, and durable neighborhood. All subdivisions shall conform to the comprehensive plan approved by the Commission and adopted by the Council.