The City Manager shall perform such duties as are required by law and shall have authority to establish and direct an organizational structure and issue administrative policies for internal operations necessary to carry out the policies of the City Council in accordance with and within the scope of the annual budget. The duties and powers of the City Manager are as set out in this chapter, and the Manager shall perform such other and further duties as may at any time be designated by resolution of the Council. Unless otherwise specified, the duties of the City Manager are as follows:
1. Have and exercise all powers and duties assigned by statute and such other authority as may be granted by the Council. The City Manager shall be charged with the enforcement of all laws and ordinances, resolutions, and Council directives, and approved operational policies.
2. Attend all meetings of the City Council, unless otherwise excused by the Mayor or Council. The City Manager shall have the right to take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the Council, but shall not have the right to vote.
3. Recommend to the Mayor and Council such measures as the Manager may deem necessary for good, efficient government and for the general welfare of the City.
4. Have specific authority over, supervise, and direct all departments, offices, classifications and services, and take active control of the police and fire departments, and be directly responsible to the Mayor and Council for the same, except for the office of the City Clerk.
5. Supervise the performance of all contracts for work and services to be done by the City, except as specified otherwise in said construction or service program; maintain an accounting of all obligations, agreements, commitments and contractual franchises involving the City and report to the Mayor and City Council any deviations from the exact terms as specified.
6. Be authorized to direct the purchasing of all commodities, materials, supplies, capital outlay and services for all departments of the City that have been budgeted and appropriated by appropriate resolution of the Council, and enforce a program to determine that such purchases are received and are of the quality and character called for in the appropriate purchase order.
7. Require the taking of bids on all matters deemed advisable, as required by law or as directed by the Council.
8. Enter into and execute, on behalf of the City, all contracts and agreements when consideration does not exceed $50,000 or less without preliminary authorization by the City Council; provided, however, that all expenditures and payments, regardless of amounts, shall be subject to approval by the City Council.
9. Appoint and remove all directors of departments. No appointment shall be made upon any basis other than that of merit and fitness.
10. Have the power to hire all employees, subject to applicable provisions of civil service laws, at such compensation as is authorized by the City Council. All employees shall perform their duties under the direction of the City Manager, or under the direction of the superior to whom such employee is assigned. Subject to the provisions of civil service laws, the City Manager shall have the power to suspend or discharge any employee.
11. At the head of each department of the City administration shall be a director who shall be an officer of the City and who shall have the supervision and control of his or her respective department, subject to and under the authority of the City Manager.
12. Appoint and remove assistant City managers.
13. Appoint and remove the Chief of Police
14. Appoint and remove the Fire Chief.
15. Appoint and remove the City Engineer.
16. Have the authority to temporarily employ any person for emergency purposes as deemed necessary for the welfare of the City.
17. Supervise the construction, improvement, repair, maintenance, and management of all City property, capital improvements, and undertakings of the City, including the making and preservation of all surveys, maps, plans, drawings, specifications, and estimates for capital improvements.
18. Accept or approve, on behalf of the City, all easement documents, deeds of dedication, contract work orders and utility relocation and right-of-way certifications and agreements.
19. Approve, on behalf of the City, monetary change orders to existing contracts when the aggregate amount of the change orders does not exceed 10% of the base contract amount, subject to availability of funding.
20. Approve, on behalf of the City, all non-monetary change orders.
21. Conduct the business affairs of the City and cause accurate records to be kept by modern approved methods and in an efficient manner.
22. Maintain accurate and current records of all business of the departments under the City Manager’s direction, and in a form acceptable to the Council.
23. Provide administrative support and assistance to the Mayor and perform duties in coordination of all phases of municipal activity as directed by the Mayor and Council.
24. Perform such other duties as the Mayor and Council may request or delegate.
The City Manager shall not participate directly or indirectly in the conduct of any campaign for the election or reelection of any person to the position of Council member or Mayor. This prohibition shall not be deemed to restrict the City Manager’s right to vote or to make available public records, as provided by State law or City ordinance.
In addition to those duties specified in Section 19.04, the City Manager shall keep the Council fully advised of the financial condition of the City and shall submit to the Council, when requested, itemized financial reports in writing, and shall further prepare and submit annually to the Council the required budget for the City.