For lots less than one-hundred (100) feet wide at the right-of-way line, no automobile driveway for a single-family residential property shall be designed, constructed or maintained in the City that is more than twenty-four (24) feet in width at the sidewalk. For lots one-hundred (100) feet wide or greater at the right-of-way line, an automobile driveway may have a maximum width of twelve (12) feet per garage stall up to a total maximum width of thirty-six (36) feet, except when located on a cul-de-sac bulb where the maximum width remains twenty-four (24) feet at the sidewalk. No automobile driveway for a single-family residential property shall be designed, constructed or maintained in the City that is within four (4) feet of the throat of an intake to any sewer, unless otherwise approved by the City's engineering staff. For lots one-hundred (100) feet wide or greater at the right-of-way line, a maximum of two (2) driveways leading to the same lot, or serving the same property or business will be allowed, but they shall be at least twenty (20) feet apart. Between such driveways, the sidewalk zone shall be limited to the use of pedestrians only. On the lot side of such sidewalk zone, a perpendicular curb at least six (6) inches in height shall be constructed and maintained by the property owner.