1.   It is unlawful to allow a person who is younger than eighteen (18) years of age to enter or be on the premises of a sexually oriented business at any time that the sexually oriented business is open for business.
2.   It shall be the duty of the operator of each sexually oriented business to ensure that an attendant is stationed at each public entrance to the sexually oriented business at all times during regular business hours. It shall be the duty of the attendant to prohibit any person under the age of eighteen (18) years from entering the sexually oriented business. It shall be presumed that an attendant knew a person was under the age of 18 unless such attendant asked for and was furnished:
   A.   A valid operator’s commercial operator’s or chauffeur’s driver’s license; or
   B.   A valid personal identification certificate issued by the State reflecting that such person is 18 years of age or older.
It is unlawful for any establishment, regardless of whether it is a public or private facility, to operate a massage salon, massage parlor or any similar type of business where any physical contact with the recipient of such services is provided by a person of the opposite sex unless licensed by the State of Iowa.
The permittee of a sexually oriented business shall not allow the possession or consumption on premises by any person of any alcoholic beverage, wine, or beer. No person shall possess or consume any alcoholic beverage, wine, or beer on the premises of any sexually oriented business.
140.21 NOTICES.
1.   Any notice required or permitted to be given by the Director or any other City office, division, department or other agency under this chapter to any applicant, operator or owner of an establishment may be given either by personal delivery or by certified United States mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the most recent address as specified in the application for the permit, or transfer application that has been received by the Director, or any notice of address change that has been received by the Director. Notices mailed as above shall be deemed given upon their deposit in the United States mail. In the event that any notice given by mail is returned by the postal service, the Director shall cause it to be posted at the principal entrance to the establishment.
2.   Any notice required or permitted to be given to the Director by any person under this chapter shall not be deemed given until and unless it is received in the office of the Director.
3.   It is the duty of each owner who is designated on the permit application and each operator to furnish a notice to the Director in writing of any change of residence or mailing address.