1.   The Police Department shall provide an educational program for the prevention of false alarms as needed. The Police Department shall allow an alarm user to attend any false alarm education program for the purposes provided in this section. The Police Department shall collect the program fee before or at the time of a person’s attendance in the program.
2.   If an alarm user or owner successfully completes the false alarm education program, the Police Department shall issue the person a certificate. The certificate may be used to satisfy the requirements of this chapter and be used in lieu of payment of one service fee assessment imposed pursuant to that section, provided that the certificate is submitted with a timely appeal of the initial assessment of false alarm service fees and is submitted within one year of its issuance.
3.   An alarm user or alarm owner who attends a false alarm education program provided by the Police Department is not eligible to attend a false alarm prevention program again within twelve months after the day on which the person last attended the program unless such attendance is necessary to satisfy the requirements of this chapter.