No person shall manufacture for sale, import, sell, or offer or keep for sale, alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer without first securing a retail alcohol license, wine permit, or beer permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 123 of the Code of Iowa.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 123.22, 123.122 & 123.171)
It is unlawful to manufacture for sale, sell, offer or keep for sale, possess or transport alcoholic liquor, wine or beer except upon the terms, conditions, limitations, and restrictions enumerated in Chapter 123 of the Code of Iowa, and a license or permit may be suspended or revoked or a civil penalty may be imposed for a violation thereof.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 123.2, 123.39 & 123.50)
Upon receipt of an application for a retail alcohol license, the Clerk may forward it to the Police Chief, or designee, who shall then conduct an investigation and submit a written report as to the truth of the facts averred in the application. The Fire Chief, or designee, may also inspect the premises to determine if they conform to the requirements of the City. The Council shall not approve an application for a license for any premises that does not conform to the applicable law and ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the City.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 123.30)
(Ord. 2129 - Jan. 23 Supp.)
The Council shall either approve or disapprove the issuance of a retail alcohol license, shall endorse its approval or disapproval on the application, and shall forward the application with the necessary fee and bond, if required, to the Alcoholic Beverages Division.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 123.32[2])
(Ord. 2129 - Jan. 23 Supp.)
Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, the Council may waive certain conditions relating to zoning regulations, health and fire regulations, and other related ordinances and resolutions of the City for businesses or groups listed below that secure a Class B beer permit or Special Event License as issued by the Alcoholic Beverages Division. The waiver of these regulations may be granted upon showing that the applicant is a bona fide civic group, service club, or merchants group, and that such waiver is being requested for use at a carnival, bazaar, centennial, or celebration that has been authorized by the Council. The waiver shall be in effect only during the period of time that the carnival, bazaar, centennial, or other celebration is being held.
(Ord. 1643 - Jul. 09 Supp.)