Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
1. "Billing agency" means the City of Ankeny, or any other agency designated by the City, to maintain customer accounts, prepare and mail bills and account for payments.
2. "Consumer" means any person or any entity whose premises are served by the utility.
3. "Curbside recycling" means a service available to residential units within the City for the placement of approved recyclable materials in bins at the curb for pickup by a licensed collector under the Curb It! program of the Metropolitan Waste Authority, or any other arrangement for collection established by the City.
4. "Customer" means the person or entity who is responsible for payment of the said charges for services for such premises.
5. "Leaf collection" means the collection of leaves at approved sites and times of the year as may be established by the City for the purpose of composting or other means of disposal.
6. "Miscellaneous item collection" means the collection of miscellaneous items at approved sites and times of the year as may be established by the City for the purpose of disposal at the Metropolitan Landfill.
7. "Monthly charge" means the monthly charge to the customer. The monthly payment shall be payable to the utility.
8. "Residential unit" means a group of rooms located within a structure and forming a single habitable unit with facilities which are used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, and eating for the exclusive use of the occupants thereof.
9. "Tree and branch collection" means those trees and branches approved by the City to be collected and chipped by the City, and returned to citizens of the City for use as mulch in gardens or landscaping areas.
10. "Post closure landfill services" means all maintenance activities undertaken at the closed landfill to maintain the integrity of containment features, and to monitor compliance with applicable performance standards.
(Ord. 1697 - Jul. 11 Supp.)
1. Every residential unit within the City receiving curbside recycling services shall pay to the enterprise fund a monthly charge to cover the cost of providing said services.
2. Every residential unit within the City shall have available the leaf, tree, branch and miscellaneous item collection site or sites provided by the City, and shall pay to the enterprise fund a monthly charge to cover the cost of providing said services.
3. Every residential unit within the City shall pay to the enterprise fund a monthly charge for post closure landfill services to cover the cost of providing said services.
4. The monthly charges for curbside recycling services; leaf, tree, branch, and miscellaneous item collection services; and post closure landfill services shall be the amounts set by resolution of the Council.
The Council shall annually review the rates charged in Section 113.03 to insure that such rates shall produce gross revenue at least sufficient to pay the expenses of said services.
The monthly charges provided for in Section 113.03 shall be billed as a part of combined service account as contained in Section 92.08 of this Code of Ordinances. Service may be discontinued in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 92.09 of the Code of Ordinances if the combined service account becomes delinquent, and the provisions contained in Section 92.12 relating to lien notices shall also apply in the event of a delinquent account.
Except as provided for in Section 92.11 of this Code of Ordinances, the owner of the premises served and any lessee or tenant thereof are jointly and severally liable for fees for the monthly charges provided for in Section 113.03. Fees remaining unpaid and delinquent shall constitute a lien upon the property or premises served and shall be certified by the Clerk to the County Treasurer for collection in the same manner as property taxes.