Parking is prohibited on both sides of the following streets:
1. Ankeny Industrial Park. On both sides of the street on all streets within an area bounded on the west by Ankeny Boulevard, on the east by Delaware Avenue, on the north by Magazine Road, and on the south by Oralabor Road.
2. Major Thoroughfares. On both sides of the following major thoroughfares:
A. Southeast Creekview Drive;
B. Southeast Delaware Avenue;
C. Northeast Delaware Avenue;
D. Southeast Oralabor Road;
E. Southwest Oralabor Road;
F. Southeast Magazine Road;
G. South Ankeny Boulevard;
H. North Ankeny Boulevard;
I. Southeast Eastlawn Drive from Southeast Grant Street to Ankeny Boulevard;
J. Southeast Peterson Drive from Southeast Grant Street to Ankeny Boulevard;
K. Southeast 3rd Street from Southeast Grant Street to Ankeny Boulevard;
(Subsections I-K - Ord. 2148 - Sep. 23 Supp.)
L. Southwest 3rd Street west from Ankeny Boulevard to Southwest Pleasant Street;
M. Southwest 3rd Street from Southwest Maple Street to Southwest Scott Street, except where head-in or angle parking exists, and from Southwest State Street to Southwest 3rd Street Place;
(Ord. 2148 - Sep. 23 Supp.)
N. Southwest 3rd Street Place from Southwest 3rd Street to termination;
O. Southwest Linden Street from Southwest 3rd Street to West 1st Street;
P. Southwest Goodwin Street from Southwest Ordnance Road south to termination;
Q. Northwest Ash Drive;
R. East 1st Street;
S. West 1st Street;
T. Northwest Linden Street from West 1st Street to Northwest 2nd Street;
U. Southeast Convenience Boulevard;
V. Northeast 18th Street;
W. Northwest 18th Street;
X. Northwest State Street;
(Ord. 1676 – Oct. 10 Supp.)
Y. Southwest State Street, except in marked parking spaces;
(Ord. 2148 - Sep. 23 Supp.)
Z. Southwest Irvinedale Drive
(Ord. 2112 - Jun. 22 Supp.)
AA. Northwest Irvinedale Drive
(Ord. 2112 - Jun. 22 Supp.)
BB. Northeast 36th Street;
CC. Northwest 36th Street;
DD. I-35 within City limits.
EE. Northwest 5th Street from Northwest Weigel Drive to Northwest Irvinedale Drive.
(Ord. 2020 - Sep. 20 Supp.)
FF. Southwest Weigel Drive
GG. Northwest Weigel Drive
HH. Southwest Polk City Drive
(Subsections FF-HH - Ord. 2112 - Jun. 22 Supp.)
II. Northeast Frisk Drive;
JJ. Southeast Frisk Drive
KK. Northeast Four Mile Drive;
LL. Southeast Four Mile Drive;
MM. Northeast Deerfield Drive from 250 feet north of Northeast 8th Street to Northeast 18th Street;
NN. Northeast Spectrum Drive;
OO. Northwest 54th Street;
PP. Northeast 54th Street;
QQ. Southeast 54th Street;
RR. Southwest 54th Street;
SS. Southeast Crosswinds Drive;
TT. Southeast Corporate Woods Drive;
UU. Southeast 90th Street;
VV. Southwest Magazine Road, except in marked parking spaces;
WW. Southwest Vintage Parkway, except in marked parking spaces.
(Subsections II-WW - Ord. 2148 - Sep. 23 Supp.)
XX. Southeast Berwick Drive.
(Ord. 2176 - Aug. 24 Supp.)
1. No person shall park a motor truck having a freight capacity greater than one ton, or any trailer, semi-trailer, tractor, road tractor or truck tractor unit, boat, camper, recreational vehicle, motor home or equipment of any type at any time upon any portion of any street except for such reasonable time as may be necessary to load or unload passengers, freight, or other merchandise.
2. No person shall park any non-licensed construction equipment on a street in a residential neighborhood for any period longer than two hours, except while actively using the equipment during normal working hours.
3. No person shall stand or park a tractor-trailer or semi-trailer on any street in a residential area for any period longer than two hours, except that the driver of a tractor-trailer or semi-trailer may temporarily stand or park in a residential area for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading such vehicle. This provision applies to the trailer when disconnected from the tractor or from the vehicle meant to tow or pull the trailer.
It is unlawful to park any vehicle for a continuous period of more than two hours upon the following designated streets:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.236 [1])
1. Cherry Street, on the east side from a point 66 feet south of 2nd Street to 2nd Street;
2. 3rd Street, on the north side from Cherry Street to Pleasant Street, and on the south side from Cherry Street to the alley between Pleasant Street and Walnut Street, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., except on Sundays and holidays;
3. On Southwest Walnut Street from Southwest 3rd Street south to Southwest 4th Street between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday;
4. On the east side of Southwest Cherry Street from Southwest 2nd Street south to a point 66 feet south of Southwest 2nd Street, and from a point 132 feet north of Southwest 3rd Street south to Southwest 3rd Street between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday;
5. On Southwest Cherry Street from Southwest 3rd Street south to Southwest 4th Street between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
(Code of Iowa, 321.236[1])
1. Declaration. To facilitate snow and ice removal operations, the City Manager may by public media declare the Snow Ordinance to be in effect.
2. Parking Regulations. No person shall park, abandon, or leave unattended any vehicle on any public street, alley, or on-street parking within the City, except within the District at Prairie Trail and Uptown business districts, when the Snow Ordinance is in effect.
3. Parking Regulations within Business Districts. No person shall park, abandon or leave unattended any vehicle on any on-street parking within the District at Prairie Trail or Uptown business districts from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. when the Snow Ordinance is in effect. The boundaries of the District at Prairie Trail and Uptown business districts are defined in the City's Snow and Ice Control Plan, which is on file in the Public Works Department.
4. Other Parking Regulations Superseded. The provisions of this section shall supersede all other parking regulations during the period of time in which the Snow Ordinance is in effect. Violation of this section shall result in a scheduled fine as set forth in Chapter 70 of this Code.
(Ord. 1956 - Nov. 18 Supp.)
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.236[1])
1. Parking Regulations. When snow and/or freezing rain (ice) is falling, covering, or drifting onto the street, no person shall park, abandon, or leave unattended any vehicle or trailer on any on-street parking at the following locations:
A. The one-way loop of SW Des Moines Street between SW Prairie Trail Parkway and SW Magazine Road.
B. The one-way sections of SW Des Moines Street between SW Magazine Road and SW 11th Street.
C. The median divided section of SW Prairie Trail Parkway between SW Vintage Parkway and SW Oak Street.
Violation of this section shall result in a scheduled fine as set forth in Chapter 70 of this Code.
(Ord. 2037 - Dec. 20 Supp.)
No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with pedestrians or traffic, or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic control device, and no person shall load or unload a passenger or passengers from any vehicle within any restricted parking area.
(Ord. 2112 - Jun. 22 Supp.)
No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle in a fire lane as provided herein.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.236)
1. Fire Lanes Established. The Fire Chief may designate fire lanes on any private road or driveway where deemed necessary to assure access to property or premises by authorized emergency vehicles.
2. Signs and Markings. Wherever a fire lane has been designated, the Fire Chief shall cause appropriate signs and markings to be placed identifying such fire lanes and the parking prohibition established by this section.
3. Exception. The provisions of this section do not apply to authorized emergency vehicles.