Subject to the following provisions, Company shall have the right to excavate in any public street for the purpose of laying, relaying, repairing or extending gas pipes, mains, conduits, and other facilities provided that the same shall be so placed as not to unreasonably interfere with the construction of any water pipes, drain or sewer or the flow of water therefrom, which have been or may hereafter be located by authority of the City:
1.   Service Requirements. The Company shall furnish reasonable, adequate and efficient gas service to the residents of the City and shall maintain its system in reasonable repair and working order and provide adequate facilities for such maintenance. Nothing in this section shall require the Company to provide gas service unless the services requested are reasonably within its range of performance and there is a reasonable expectation that the consumption of gas will warrant the necessary expenditure.
2.   Use of Public Street or Alley. The Company shall, excluding facilities located in private easements (whether titled in Company exclusively or in Company and other entities), in accordance with Iowa law including Company’s tariff on file with and made effective by the Iowa Utilities Board as may subsequently be amended (“Tariff”), at its cost and expense, locate and relocate its existing facilities or equipment in, on, over or under any public street or alley in the City in such a manner as the City may reasonably require for the purposes of facilitating the construction, reconstruction, maintenance or repair of the street or alley.
3.   Installation and Maintenance of Service Facilities. The Company's equipment and distribution facilities shall be installed in accordance with good engineering practices and shall be located, erected, constructed, reconstructed, replaced, removed, repaired, maintained and operated so as not to endanger or interfere with the lives of persons, or to unnecessarily hinder or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic to public ways, places and structures. The erection, installation, construction, replacement, removal, repair, maintenance and operation of the gas system shall be in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and codes of the Federal, State and City.
4.   Distribution Facilities - General Location Requirements. All distribution lines and equipment shall be installed by the Company according to the current city design standards and construction standards. Said facilities shall be located as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of streets and other public ways, and to cause minimum interference with the rights or reasonable convenience of property owners who adjoin any of the said streets or other public ways.
5.   Conditions for Use and Occupancy of City Rights-of-Way and Utility Easements. The Company shall be allowed to use and occupy the City rights-of-way for the emplacement of its equipment; provided, however, Company shall be required to use subdivision utility easements to the extent such easements provide for the construction and operation of gas equipment therein. Further provided, in such use and occupancy of City rights-of-way and subdivision utility easements, Company shall be subject to all generally applicable State law and City ordinances and obligations therein including, but not limited to, those provisions of this Code of Ordinances regulating the use and occupancy of such rights-of-way, pertaining to excavations and pertaining to streets and sidewalks. The Company shall not construct or reconstruct any facility including wiring, underground conduits, manholes, structures or system equipment until Company has secured the necessary permits from the City, or other applicable governmental authorities. If the Company fails to complete any work required by the City or any work required by other law or ordinance within the time established and to the satisfaction of the City, the City may cause such work to be done and the Company shall reimburse the City the costs thereof within thirty (30) days after receipt of any itemized list of such costs.
6.   Company’s Duty to Relocate. If at any time, the City undertakes a street or utility improvement project and said project alters the street grade, street dimensions or public utility locations such that said improvement project requires the relocation of the Company’s facilities along the project corridor, the Company shall complete the relocation at its own expense. Such relocation may include removing, relaying, or lowering underground conduits, manholes, or other gas distribution fixtures so that the city improvement project is not impeded. The Company’s relocation work shall be completed in a timely manner and coordinated with the said City improvement project so that the construction of the City project is not delayed.
7.   Company’s Duty to Not Obstruct and to Restore. In making excavations in any streets, avenues, alleys and public places for the installation of gas pipes, conduits or apparatus, Company shall not unreasonably obstruct the use of the streets and shall replace the surface, restoring it to the condition as existed immediately prior to excavation. Company agrees any replacement of road surface shall conform to current City code regarding its depth and composition.
8.   Company’s Duty to Restore Ground Surface. In case of any disturbance of pavement, sidewalk, driveway, or other surfacing, the Company shall at its own cost and expense and in a timely manner approved by the City Engineer, replace and restore all sod, paving, sidewalk, driveway or surface of any street or alley disturbed in as good a condition as before said work was commenced. All work shall be completed in conformance with current City design and construction standards.
9.   City to Survey and Stake. The City shall be responsible for surveying and staking the right-of-way for City projects that require the Company to relocate Company facilities. If requested the City shall provide, at no cost to the Company, copies of its relocation plan and profile and cross section drawings.
10.   Street Obstructions. Any opening or obstruction in the streets or other public ways made by the Company in the course of its operation, pursuant to the authority granted hereunder, shall be guarded and protected at all times by the placement of traffic control, including advance signing, barricades or fencing in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and City of Ankeny Standards.
Pursuant to relocation of Company facilities as may be required by Section 3 of this chapter, if the City orders or requests the Company to relocate its existing facilities or equipment in order to directly or indirectly facilitate the project of a commercial or private developer or other non-public entity, City shall require the developer or non-public entity to reimburse the Company for the cost of such relocation as a precondition to relocation. The Company shall not be required to relocate in order to facilitate such private project at its expense.
The Company shall indemnify and save harmless the City from any and all claims, suits, losses, damages, costs or expenses, on account of injury or damage to any person or property, to the extent caused or occasioned by the Company’s negligence in construction, reconstruction, excavation, operation or maintenance of the natural gas facilities authorized by this franchise; provided, however, that the Company shall not be obligated to defend, indemnify and save harmless the City for any costs or damages to the extent arising from the negligence of the City, its officers, employees or agents.
Upon reasonable request the Company shall provide the City, on a project specific basis, information indicating the location, relative to boundaries of the right of way, of all equipment which it owns or over which it has control that is located in city right of way, including documents, maps and other information in paper or electronic or other forms (“Information”). The Company and City recognize the Information may in whole or part be considered a confidential record under state or federal law or both. Therefore, the City shall not release any Information without prior consent of the Company and shall return the Information to Company upon request. City recognizes that Company claims the Information may constitute a trade secret or is otherwise protected from public disclosure by state or federal law on other grounds and agrees to retain the Information in its non-public files. Furthermore, the City agrees that no documents, maps or information provided to the City by the Company shall be made available to the public or other entities if such documents or information are exempt from disclosure under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Critical Energy Infrastructure requirements pursuant to 18 CFR 388.112 and 388.113, or Chapter 22 of the Code of Iowa, as such statutes and regulations may be amended from time to time.
The Company shall extend its mains and pipes and operate, and maintain the system in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Iowa Utilities Board or its successors and Iowa law.
During the term of this franchise, the Company shall furnish natural gas in the quantity and quality consistent and in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Iowa Utilities Board the Company’s tariff made effective by the Iowa Utilities Board or its successors and Iowa law.
All reasonable and proper police regulations as are requested by the Company shall be brought forth and if adopted shall be enforced by the City for the protection of the facilities of the Company.
In consideration of the right and franchise granted to the Company, a franchise fee is hereby imposed, effective on February 21, 2014, equal to two percent (2%) of the gross receipts minus uncollectable amounts derived by the Company in the City for the delivery and sale of natural gas.
1.   The amount of franchise fee shall be shown separately on the utility bill to each customer. The Company shall remit collected franchise fees to the City on a quarterly basis, within thirty (30) days after the last day of the last revenue month of each quarter of the calendar year (i.e. remitted by April 30, July 31, October 31 and January 31). The City shall not modify the level of the franchise fee more frequently than once in any twelve (12) month period.
2.   The City shall be solely responsible for the proper use of any amounts collected as franchise fees, and shall only use such franchise fees for purposes allowed by Iowa law and as set forth in the Revenue Purpose Statement previously adopted by the City.
3.   The franchise fee shall be applied to all customers’ bills in accordance with Iowa Code Chapters 362.2(f) and 423B.5, except for the City’s bills which shall be exempt from the franchise fee.
4.   Upon receipt of a final and unappealable order or approval authorizing annexation or changes in the corporate boundaries of the City, the City Clerk shall provide written notification to the Company of such annexation or change in the corporate boundaries of the City, and the Company shall apply the franchise fee to its customers who are affected by the annexation or change in the corporate boundaries of the City, commencing no more than ninety (90) days after receipt of the written notice and City’s verification of the area added to the City.
5.   To fulfill the purpose and intent of this Section, the City and the Company may enter into an agreement addressing the implementation of the collection of the franchise fee, which agreement shall be approved by resolution of the City.
(Ch. 121 - Ord. 1793 – Apr. 14 Supp.)