1.   (Repealed by Ordinance No. 1701 - Oct. 11 Supp.)
2.   It is unlawful for any person to throw or hit any baseball or softball while standing within 50 feet of the fence which runs easterly and westerly along the north boundary line of Sunrise Park.
It is unlawful for any person to park any motor vehicle in any City park other than within areas designated as parking areas. Further, parking is specifically prohibited on the entrance side of Lakeshore Drive from Northwest Ash Drive to the Lakeside Recreational Center’s parking area. The Director of Leisure Services is authorized and directed to erect signs notifying the public of the prohibitions of this section.
No person having ownership, custody, possession, or control of any animal shall allow or permit such animal to defecate in or on the public property included within any City park. In the event any animal shall defecate in or on any public property within any City park, the person owning such animal, or the person who at the time has custody or control of such animal, shall cause the product of such defecation to be immediately and completely removed from the City park and shall thereafter cause the same to be properly disposed of outside the City park. No person having ownership, custody, possession or control of any animal shall leave such animal unattended in any City park in any manner which would render such person’s ability to comply with this section impossible or impractical. Nothing in this section is intended (and should not be construed) to alter, amend, or in any manner modify any other ordinance regulating the ownership, possession, or control of any animal.