No person shall litter the ground or any building, shelter or other structure in any City park with any form of waste material. All waste material shall be deposited in receptacles provided for that purpose. Park waste receptacles shall not be used for dumping or disposing of trash, garbage, rubbish or any waste material introduced in that form to the park.
It is unlawful for any person, except authorized City personnel, to be in Heritage Park between the hours of sunset and sunrise the following day, and to be in any other public park or recreational facility within the City between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and sunrise the following day, unless otherwise posted, or unless through written permission of the Director of Leisure Services. In the case of community events or celebrations, alternative times of closure may be established by resolution of the Council. Written permission granted under this section is subject to the following:
1. Any person claiming to have written permission from the Director shall have said written authorization in his or her possession at all times while within the park and shall produce the same upon demand of any police officer of the City.
2. The written permission given to any person in responsible supervision of any group will be sufficient to exempt all members of that group from the provisions of this section, provided that all members of the group are identified by the party having responsible supervision.
The Director of Leisure Services shall cause to be posted, at the entrance of any facility which shall have closure times different from that provided for in this section, signs notifying the public of the closing time of said facility.