A.   Discontinuance Of Use: Any lot, structure, or portion thereof occupied by a nonconforming use which is or hereafter becomes vacant and/or remains unoccupied by a nonconforming use for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days shall not thereafter be occupied, except by a use which conforms to this title and only after being inspected and determined to be in compliance with this title and other village regulations by the code official. (Ord. 2006-09, 8-17-2006)
   B.   Destruction Of Structure Or Use: If any nonconforming structure or use is, by any cause, destroyed to the extent of seventy five percent (75%) of its market value as determined by the code official, it shall not thereafter be reconstructed as a nonconforming structure or use.
   C.   Change Of Ownership:
      1.   A nonconforming use does not continue if the building, structure, or premises upon which it exists is sold.
      2.   Upon sale, a nonconforming structure must conform to this zoning code or a conditional use permit applied for and granted for the nonconforming use to continue to be occupied. (Ord. 2002-02, 1-17-2002)