A.   Nonconforming Uses: If, on the effective date of this zoning code or of any amendment hereto, any lot, structure, sign, or building is being used in an otherwise lawful manner, in accordance with any applicable conditions of approval and in accordance with the health, safety and welfare of the village and its residents, that does not conform to the provisions of this zoning code, the use shall be deemed a nonconforming use. Such use may continue in the manner and to the extent that it existed on such effective date.
   B.   Nonconforming Buildings And Structures: Nonconforming buildings and structures are those which were within the village on the effective date of this zoning code or of any amendment hereto and which fail to meet the provisions of this zoning code and the minimum requirements and occupancy standards established by the building codes, as adopted by the state, for the safety and welfare of the public. (Ord. 2002-02, 1-17-2002)