(A)   The following intersections are designated one-way, two-way, three-way and four-way stop intersections and all vehicles shall stop before entering the intersections.
One-Way Stop Streets
One-Way Stop Streets
Alabama to stop at Colorado
Alabama to stop at Jackson
Bellville to stop at Clifton
Bellville to stop at Pearl
Briant to stop at Clifton
Chestnut to stop at Jefferson
Chestnut to stop at Star
Clifton to stop at CR 168N
Colorado to stop at California
Cubberly to stop at Terrel
Cubberly to stop at Wabash
Hendricks to stop at McKeever
Illinois to stop at Colorado
Madison to stop at Snowden
Maple to stop at Washington
Monroe to stop at Berry
Morris to stop at Clifton
Pearl to stop at McKeever
Pennsylvania to stop at Colorado
River to stop at Terrel
River to stop at Wabash
Ruby to stop at Colorado
South to stop at Leedy Lane
State to stop at Jefferson
State to stop at McKeever
Virginia to stop at Colorado
Wabash to stop at Market
Wabash to stop at Snowden
Washington to stop at Leedy Lane
Washington to stop at Market
Two-Way Stop Streets
Two-Way Stop Streets
Berry to stop at McKeever
Columbia to stop a Jackson
Illinois to stop at Jackson
Illinois to stop at Market
Jackson to stop at California
Jackson to stop at Jefferson
Jackson to stop at McKeever
Jackson to stop at Pennsylvania
Jackson to stop at Virginia
Jefferson to stop at Snowden
Madison to stop at Jackson
Madison to stop at Market
Maple to stop at Jefferson
Market to stop at California
Market to stop at Columbia
Market to stop at McKeever
Market to stop at Pennsylvania
Monroe to stop at Clifton
Ruby to stop at Jackson
Ruby to stop at Market
Snowden to stop at McKeever
Snowden to stop at Terrel
Virginia to stop at Market
Three-Way Stop Streets
Columbia at Colorado
McKeever at Clifton
Four-Way Stop Streets
Jackson at Washington
Jefferson at Market
McKeever at Leedy Lane
Pearl at Monroe
Washington at Chestnut
Washington at State
   (B)   Every driver of any vehicle shall stop in obedience to any stop sign as required herein at an intersection where a stop sign is erected at one or more entrances thereto and shall proceed cautiously, yielding to vehicles not so obliged to stop if necessary at the entrance to a through street so close as to constitute an immediate hazard, but may then proceed. The stop shall be made before entering the intersection except when directed to proceed by a police officer.
   (C)   Any person violating the provisions of this schedule shall be deemed guilty of an infraction, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount to be determined by the County Court.
(Prior Code, § 173.21) (Ord. 482, passed 10-18-1985)