The applicant shall prepare and submit a draft inclusionary housing agreement and inclusionary housing plan as part of the proposed residential project's planning application(s). The director shall review and determine if the plan and agreement are complete and in substantial conformance with the requirements of this chapter. This section shall not apply to residential projects where the developer fulfills their obligation with payment of in-lieu fees or land dedication.
.010 Inclusionary Housing Plan Requirements. The applicant shall submit a plan detailing how the requirements of this chapter will be implemented. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
.0101 The location, structure, proposed tenure and size of the proposed market rate and affordable units.
.0102 The total number of affordable units to be provided and the calculations used to determine the number of required affordable units.
.0103 A floor plan and site plan depicting the location of the affordable units.
.0104 The income level targets for each affordable unit.
.0105 The mechanisms that will be used to assure that the affordable units remain affordable for the required term as specified in this chapter.
.0106 A marketing plan for the process by which qualified households will be reviewed and selected to rent affordable units.
.0107 Construction phasing plan schedule with the anticipated completion and opening date and as applicable for phased residential projects.
.020 Inclusionary Housing Agreement Requirements. Upon final project approval, the developer shall execute and record an inclusionary housing agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney, prior to approval of any final or parcel map or issuance of any building permit, whichever occurs first, and that at a minimum specifies the number, type, location, size, and phasing of all affordable units, provisions for income certification and screening of potential renters of the affordable units, consistent with the approved inclusionary housing plan and any administrative procedures adopted pursuant to this chapter.
.0201 An inclusionary housing agreement will not be required for projects that will be satisfying their affordable housing requirement through payment to the City of an in-lieu fee.
.0202 The City Council, by resolution, may establish fees for the ongoing administration and monitoring of the affordable units, which fees may be updated periodically, as required. (Ord. 6593 § 1 (part); October 29, 2024.)