The following are the alternative options to fulfill the requirements of this chapter:
.010 In-Lieu Fees. The payment of in-lieu fees may be used to fulfill the affordable housing requirement for residential projects and any fractional number of affordable units required.
.0101 In-lieu fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of the first building permit for the residential project, unless specified and/or agreed elsewhere in recorded agreement(s) with the City. For phased developments, the applicant may pay a pro rata share of the in-lieu fee concurrently with the issuance of a building permit for each phase.
.0102 In-lieu fees shall be paid according to a fee schedule adopted by the City Council. The in-lieu fee schedule shall be adjusted periodically on an annual basis or as determined by the City Council or their designee and shall be adopted by resolution.
.0103 All in-lieu fees collected shall be deposited into the Anaheim Local Housing Trust Fund.
.020 Offsite Construction. Affordable units may be constructed offsite only upon a determination by the director or their designee that onsite production of affordable units is economically infeasible. If this alternative compliance option is chosen, then the offsite affordable units must be constructed prior to or concurrently with construction of the market rate residential project.
.0201 The offsite affordable units shall comply with all applicable requirements pursuant to this chapter for onsite production of affordable units.
.0202 The offsite location shall be located within the City of Anaheim boundaries and shall be located within a reasonable distance from the market rate residential project that is subject to the affordable housing requirement.
.0203 For residential projects for which a master plan is required, the affordable units may either be provided onsite or offsite on a separate parcel within the residential project's approved master plan boundaries.
.030 Land Dedication. An applicant may dedicate, without cost to the City, land (single or multiple parcels) within the City of Anaheim boundaries that is sufficient to accommodate the number of affordable units required by the market rate project. The following requirements are applicable to any land proposed to be dedicated to the City to fulfill the affordable housing requirement:
.0301 The land to be dedicated to the City shall be located in the City of Anaheim.
.0302 The General Plan and zoning standards shall allow for residential use at a density sufficient to allow for the market rate project's required number of affordable units to be constructed.
.0303 The land shall be suitable in terms of size, configuration, and physical characteristics, including existing utilities, streets, and other infrastructure improvements necessary to allow for the market rate project's required number of affordable units to be constructed.
.0304 The value of the land shall be equivalent or comparable to the in-lieu fee payment that would be applicable to the proposed residential project.
.0305 The applicant shall provide property related report(s) to demonstrate the suitability and value of the land to be dedicated, including but not limited to, title report, appraisal report, and environmental site assessment(s). (Ord. 6593 § 1 (part); October 29, 2024.)