17.40.040   Definitions.
   As used in this chapter the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below; terms not specifically defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them elsewhere in this code:
   Affordable Rent. The maximum affordable housing cost minus any housing costs that are imposed on the tenant on a mandatory basis. The affordable housing cost is based on the percentages of AMI identified in the following table, as adjusted for household size appropriate for the unit (as defined in California Health and Safety Code section 50052.5), times 30%:
Income Category:
Percentage of AMI:
Very Low-Income
   Affordable Unit. A dwelling unit that is required to be rented at the affordable rent to very low-income and low-income households.
   Anaheim Local Housing Trust Fund. The fund into which all collected in-lieu fees, and any other fees related to this chapter, are deposited for the purposes of furthering affordable housing production goals within the City.
   Applicant. A person or entity that applies for approval or approvals for a residential project and/or owns the property or properties on which a residential project is proposed.
   Area Median Income (AMI). The median household income of households in Orange County, adjusted for household size, as determined by the California Housing and Community Development department (HCD).
   Director. The Director of Housing and Community Development, or designee.
   Density Bonus. An increase in the number of units permitted in a proposed Residential Project provided pursuant to State Density Bonus Law as set forth in California Government Code sections 65915, et seq.
   Gross Annual Household Income. As defined in 25 Cal. Code Regs. Section 6914, including any successor section thereto.
   Inclusionary Housing Agreement. A legally binding recorded agreement and/or deed restriction in a form satisfactory to the Director and the City Attorney setting forth those provisions necessary to ensure that the requirements of the chapter are met.
   Inclusionary Housing Plan. A plan containing all the information specified and submitted in conformance with this chapter specifying the manner in which affordable units will be provided.
   In-Lieu Fee. The fee payable as an alternative to the construction of on-site affordable units.
   Low-Income Household. A household with a gross annual household income between 51% and 80% of AMI for Orange County as defined in California Health and Safety Code section 50079.5.
   Market-Rate Unit. A dwelling unit offered on the open market at the prevailing market- rate for rental.
   Moderate-Income Household. A household with a gross annual household income between 81% and 110% of AMI for Orange County as defined in California Health and Safety Code section 50093.
   Ownership Project. A residential project that is intended to be sold for homeownership.
   Rental Project. A residential project that is intended to be rented to tenants.
   Residential Project. A project undertaken for the purpose of development of land for residential purposes that requires the issuance of a discretionary approval or the issuance of a permit, including a building permit for construction, and that will include thirty-five (35) or more dwelling units.
   Very Low-Income Household. A household with a gross annual household income that does not exceed 50% of AMI for Orange County, as defined in California Health and Safety Code section 50105. (Ord. 6593 § 1 (part); October 29, 2024.)