.010   The City may contract for Discarded Material services, and such services may be the exclusive right of the Franchisee, subject to provisions and exclusions as reflected in a written agreement between City and Franchisee. The agreement shall, at a minimum, identify the services to be provided for, including, but not limited to: type of material to be collected, frequency of collection, and planned disposition of material following collection. The agreement shall additionally describe effective date of the agreement, the term, and shall identify any and all options for term extension, and the rates and/or fees to be charged to ratepayers as approved by council. If a conflict is discovered in relation to the exclusive franchise with Franchisee, the franchise agreement, and any amendments thereto, shall control.
   .020   The City and its duly authorized agents and employees, or Franchisee(s) and their duly authorized agents and employees, shall have the exclusive right to gather, collect and Dispose of Solid Waste, including Refuse, Recyclable Materials and Organic Materials, from all Premises in the City in accordance with the provisions of this chapter; except that Self-Haulers as defined in this chapter shall have the right, in a lawful manner, to dispose of any Solid Waste generated from their own activities.
   .030   Recyclable Materials and/or Organic Materials which are placed within the public right-of-way or within a Container furnished by the City or its Franchisee for collection purposes shall become the property of the City. It shall be unlawful for any person other than the employees or Franchisees of the City acting in the scope of their agency or employment to remove such material from the public right-of-way or Container, or transport over the public streets of the City any Recyclable Material and/or Organic Materials so removed.
   .040   The City Manager shall have charge and supervision of such collection and disposal and shall prescribe and establish the routes and days thereof. When such routes and/or days of collection are established or changed, the City Manager or their Designee shall give appropriate notice thereof to the public.
   .050   The City Manager may establish such procedures as may be deemed necessary for reporting of materials reduced, Recycled or composted by business establishments doing business within the City of Anaheim, to determine quantities of materials pertaining to the achievement of reduction and Recycling goals of twenty-five percent by 1995 and fifty percent by 2000, as set forth in Section 41780 of the Government Code.
   .060   All Discarded Materials collected within the City’s boundaries, shall be delivered to transfer, processing and Disposal facilities under such conditions as the City Manager or City Council may designate and in accordance with applicable law.
   .070   The exclusive Franchisee shall comply with education, equipment, signage, Container labeling, Container color, contamination monitoring, reporting and other requirements contained within its franchise agreement entered into with City.
   .080   The City and its duly authorized agents, servants and employees, or any other contractors with whom the City may at any time enter into a contract or franchise therefor, and the agents, servants and employees of such contractors, while any such contract shall be in force, shall have the exclusive right to services as identified in this Chapter, and in the franchise agreement, from all premises in the City (unless otherwise noted herein or in the agreement); and no person shall provide services, convey or transport any material in, along or over any public street, alley or highway in the City, or take any materials from any Container in which the same may be placed for collection or removal, or interfere with or disturb any such Container, or remove any such Container from any location where the same is placed by the owner thereof.
   .090   City Manager or their Designee, upon written approval by City, is authorized to charge a Contamination fee to Generators with Prohibited Container Contaminants observed in their collection Containers. If a Contamination fee is charged, City Manager or their Designee shall leave a Contamination fee notice attached to or adhered to the Generators’ Contaminated Containers, at the Premises’ door or gate, or may deliver the notice by mail or electronic communication. (Ord. 6519 § 1 (part); December 11, 2021.)