.010   Landscaping and screening. All landscaping and screening shall comply with Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening) with the exception of the provisions contained in this section and Section 18.120.070 (Structural and Landscape Setbacks).
   .020   Required Enclosure and Screening for Industrial Uses. Industrial uses shall be enclosed to provide effective site screening from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way as follows:
      .0201   Required Screening Adjacent to residential properties. A solid masonry wall, planted with vines so as to prevent graffiti, landscaped earthen berm, or any combination thereof, totaling not less than eight (8) feet in height, shall be required along, and adjacent to, any side or rear property line abutting any residential zone boundary; provided, however, said wall or berm shall not be required adjacent to any lot zoned “T” Transition, which is under a resolution of intent to any non-residential zone, or any alley abutting any such zone boundary. Further, any access gates shall be constructed of view-obscuring material to provide effective sight screening.
      .0202   Required Enclosure of Outdoor Uses. The perimeter of any portion of a site upon which any outdoor use of an industrial nature is permitted shall be enclosed to a height of not less than six (6) feet, either by a solid masonry wall, a chain link fence (interwoven with cedar, redwood or PVC slats) or building walls, which incorporate live plants with adequate growing area, planted along and adjacent to said wall(s) or fence. No outdoor industrial use, or enclosure thereof, shall encroach into any required setback area adjacent to any public right-of-way, nor shall any storage of products or materials exceed the height of any such enclosure.
   .030   Required Screening of Vehicle Storage or Parking Areas. Any vehicular storage or parking area visible from a public right-of-way or a freeway shall be screened from view by landscaping or architectural devices to a height of thirty-six (36) inches.
   .040   Required Enclosure and Screening for Recycling Uses. Where recycling facilities are adjacent to properties not developed with such facilities, a minimum ten (10) foot high masonry block wall or metal-panel fence, as approved by the Planning Director, shall separate such uses.
   .050   Irrigation. All new development with landscaped areas over 2,500 square feet shall construct separate irrigation lines for recycled water. All such irrigation systems shall be designed to function properly with recycled water. (Ord. 6358 § 9 (part); February 9, 2016.)