This development area provides for low density residential development in hillside areas, by encouraging development in keeping with the natural amenities of these areas, and preserving their unique scenic resources as an asset to the community. The standards for the "RH-3" Single-Family Hillside Residential Zone in Chapter 18.04 (Single-Family Residential Zones) and Chapter 18.18 (Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone) shall apply, except as otherwise provided below, or as modified by Variance No. 3814 referenced herein. (A copy of Variance No. 3814 is on file in the Planning Department.)
   .010   Lot Size. The average lot size shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet, and the minimum lot size shall be eight thousand (8,000) square feet.
   .020   Lot Width. The average lot width shall be seventy-five (75) feet, measured at the minimum ten (10) foot setback line; provided that, where the building is located farther back than ten (10) feet, the lot width shall be measured at the actual setback line, and a site plan shall be provided to demonstrate the actual building location. No site plan will be required when the lot width is measured at the ten (10) foot setback line. The minimum lot width shall be fifty (50) feet; provided, however, that the minimum width for any lots that sides onto an arterial highway (such as Serrano Avenue) shall be seventy (70) feet. Such area may include landscaping easements.
   .030   Cul-de-Sac Parking. Where more than five (5) residential lots abut a cul-de-sac, one (1) additional parking space shall be provided on each lot.
   .040   Building Height. The maximum height of any building shall be twenty-six (26) feet, measured from the highest portion of the structure to the ground floor elevation directly below that point.
   .050   Setbacks.
      .0501   Front Setback. The minimum front setback shall be ten (10) feet, as measured from any public street or arterial highway. If the lot does not abut a public street or arterial highway, the required setback shall be measured from the private street or access easement that provides primary access to the property.
      .0502   Garage Setbacks. The minimum front setback to any garage, excepting “front-on” garages, shall be ten (10) feet. The minimum setback for “front-on” garages shall be twenty-five (25) feet, or twenty (20) feet if the “front-on” garage has a roll-up garage door. The setback shall be measured from the front property line to the wall of the garage for side-on conditions, and to the face of the garage door for front-on conditions.
      .0503   Required Landscaped Area Adjacent to Serrano Avenue. The minimum landscaped area shall comply with subsection
   .060   Single-Family Residential Structures Permitted to Side On Arterial Highways. Where single-family residential structures are located at either individual project entries or at the ends of cul-de-sacs (whether conventional or flag lots), and are also located adjacent to an arterial highway, such residences may side on such highway; provided that said structures are separated from the roadway by an open space or landscaped lot, or landscaped area, as described in subsection, and further provided that the side yard setback shall be measured from the open space lot or landscape easement line.
   .070   Sign Regulations – Advertising and Identification. Entrance monumentation/signage, both neighborhood and community, shall be permitted, as set forth in Section 18.104.100 and as shown on the Community Monumentation Plan (Exhibit No. 16 of the Specific Plan), except as otherwise permitted by Variance No. 3814.
   .080   Site Screening. The required site screening adjacent to multiple-family residential development areas and arterial highways shall comply with Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening), except as otherwise specified below, or as otherwise provided in subsection, or as otherwise permitted by Variance No. 3814.
      .0801   Except as otherwise provided herein, a solid, decorative-type masonry wall, landscaped earthen berm, and/or any combination thereof, totaling not less than six (6) feet in height, shall be provided along, and immediately adjacent to, any site boundary line or lot line in this development area that abuts any multiple-family, residential development area, or abuts any arterial highway, where required for noise attenuation. Such wall and/or berm shall be measured from the highest finished grade level of the building pads of the dwelling units located closest to such boundary or lot line.
      .0802   Where the required walls are constructed at the top of any slope that is not the property line, maintenance access openings to the slope area shall be provided in the wall on each lot, if privately maintained. If commonly maintained, such access shall be provided from a public street or common area.
      .0803   On corner lots formed by the intersection of residential streets with arterial highways, the wall required along the rear lot line adjacent to the arterial highway shall be extended along the side lot line adjacent to the residential street for a distance equal to the rear yard setback of the residential structure. Additional walls shall be provided for sound attenuation, if necessary. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004.)