Transfer of densities between residential development areas may be permitted, and shall be considered consistent with the General Plan and the Summit Specific Plan; provided that the overall maximum of two thousand one hundred thirty-nine (2,139) dwelling units is maintained, and the general boundaries of the residential development areas approximate the areas shown on the Development Plan (Exhibit No. 10 of the Specific Plan). Density transfers shall take place in accordance with the following procedures:
   .010   Administrative Density Transfer. A density transfer (or more than one density transfer) may take place from one residential development area to another residential development area, where the aggregate of all such transfers does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total number of units permitted by the Specific Plan, and the product types are similar. This shall be accomplished by an administrative approval by the Planning Director. The Planning Director shall have the discretion to refer consideration of such application to the Planning Commission for a noticed public hearing, if he or she determines that the application, if approved, would affect vested property interests of others. A request for an administrative density transfer shall be accompanied by an exhibit showing the locations of the density changes, and such other information as deemed necessary by the Planning Director. No amendment will be required to the public facilities plan approved in connection with the Specific Plan because the facilities have been adequately sized to accommodate such changes.
   .020   Density Transfers with Product Type and/or Development Standards Transfer. Density transfers that include changes in product type and/or development standards may be transferred from one residential development area to another area, provided that the land use designations shown on the General Plan do not change. This shall be accomplished by review and action by the Planning Commission, as set forth in Chapter 18.60 (Procedures). Such a request shall be accompanied by the following exhibits:
      .0201   Amended development plan map,
      .0202   Amended phasing plan map,
      .0203   Exhibit(s) showing the change in densities and/or product type, and
      .0204   Such other information as deemed necessary by the Planning Commission.
   No amendment to the public facilities plan will be required because the facilities have been adequately sized to accommodate such changes.
   .030   Development Area Land Use Designation Changes. When changes in land use designations (as shown on the Anaheim General Plan) for a development area are requested, a Specific Plan Amendment shall be required and shall follow the procedure outlined in Chapter 18.76 (Zoning Amendments). (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004.)