.010   General. Except as hereinafter provided, every front, side or rear yard created by a required setback shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky; no setback or open space provided around any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this title shall be considered as providing a setback or open space for any other building; and no setback or open space on any adjoining property shall be considered as providing a setback or open space for a lot whereon a building is to be erected. All yards and setbacks shall be landscaped as provided by this title.
   .020   Measurements. Required street and front setbacks are intended to provide an adequate landscaped buffer between buildings and the adjacent public or private streets or easements that provide vehicle access to the underlying lot.
      .0201   Street Setbacks for Non-Residential and Multiple-Family Residential Lots. The minimum setbacks for all non-residential and multiple-family lots and parcels adjoining one or more public or private streets or vehicle easements shall be measured from the closest building to the closest of the following:
         .01   The ultimate right-of-way of any adjacent public street or arterial highway;
         .02   The edge of any adjacent private street; and
         .03   The edge of any recorded private vehicle access easement.
      .0202   Setbacks for Single-Family Residential Lots and Parcels. All structures shall maintain a minimum setback measured from the property line, or the following, whichever is closer:
         .01   The ultimate right-of-way of the adjacent public street or arterial highway; or
         .02   The closest edge of any adjacent private street; or
         .03   The closest edge of any recorded private vehicle access easement.
      .0203   Setbacks for Attached Accessory Buildings. If an accessory building is attached to the main building and is structurally part of and has a common wall or roof with the main building, it shall comply in all respects with the requirements of the underlying zone applicable to the main building, including side and rear setbacks, unless otherwise specified by the underlying zone.
   .030   Setbacks Adjacent to Freeway Right-of-Way. Any building wall containing any window, door or other opening therein, shall be located not less than ten (10) feet from any freeway right-of-way line, or such greater distance as may be required pursuant to any other provision of this Code.
   .040   Uses Adjacent to Residential Zones or Residential Uses. All buildings used for Day Care Centers, Educational Institutions-General, or Community & Religious Assembly as identified by Chapter 18.36 (Types of Uses), shall have a landscaped setback of fifteen (15) feet from every boundary line of a property in any residential zone or a property developed with any residential use. Associated designated play areas shall also comply with this fifteen (15)-foot setback requirement. Parking areas shall comply with the structural setback requirements of the underlying zone.
   .050   Setbacks on Through Lots. Both the front and back of a structure on a through lot shall be subject to the front setback requirements of the underlying zone; provided, however, one of the yards may be considered a rear yard if no access is provided from the street and the adjacent lots have no access from the same street, or access rights to that street have been dedicated.
   .060   Setbacks on Lots Adjacent to Another Jurisdiction. If a lot abuts another city or county boundary, the setback from the boundary line shall be determined based upon the land use and zone of the abutting city or county.
   .070   Measurement of Rear Setback Depth Adjacent to an Alley. Where a rear yard abuts an alley, one-half (1/2) of the width of the alley may be considered as applying to the depth of the rear setback, if the required setback is no less than twenty-five (25) feet. (Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 5998 § 30; October 25, 2005: Ord. 6031 § 29; August 22, 2006: Ord. 6473 § 28; December 3, 2019: Ord. 6526 § 24; February 15, 2022.)