.010 Purpose: The purpose of this Chapter is to establish the Residential Opportunity (RO) Overlay Zone and provide “by-right” housing development opportunities consistent with a property’s residential General Plan land use designation. This Overlay Zone is intended to be applied to properties that are currently zoned and/or developed with non-residential uses but designated for multiple-family residential uses by the City’s General Plan. Examples of non-residential zones to which the Overlay Zone may be applied include, but are not limited to, the General Commercial (C-G), Transitional (T), and Industrial (I) zones. The Overlay Zone is further intended to serve as an implementation tool of the City’s Housing Element of the General Plan by facilitating residential development on identified “housing opportunity sites.”
.020 Objectives: The Residential Opportunity (RO) Overlay Zone has the following major objectives:
.0201 Create “by-right” opportunities for residential development on sites throughout the City, consistent with the density allowed by their current General Plan designation.
.0202 To implement state laws that require cities to demonstrate available land capacity and zoning tools to accommodate the City’s projected need for housing;
.0203 Provide a mix of housing types; and,
.0204 Stimulate market-driven development investment.
(Ord. 6224 1 (part); October 11, 2011.)