.010   Final Plan Approval Required. No grading permit or building permit for a planned mixed use development shall be issued prior to final plan approval by the Planning Director, as set forth in this section, unless expressly exempted by subsection 050. Construction for such development may commence only after the Planning Director finds that the project is in compliance with the regulations, applicable policies and guidelines of the (DMU) Overlay Zone, and the approved final plan, if applicable.
   .020   Actions Prior to Grading Permit. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for a planned mixed use development, final plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning Department as provided herein.
      .0201   Final plans shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
         .01   Site plans;
         .02   Preliminary landscape plans;
         .03   Parking, pedestrian and vehicle circulation plans, including access to adjoining public rights-of-way; and
         .04   Such other plans and information as may be required at this time by the Planning Director.
      .0202   The final plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning and Building Department, for review and approval by the Planning Director as set forth by Section 18.70.030 (Review Authority).
   .030   Actions Prior to Building Permit. Prior to issuance of a building permit for a Planned Mixed Use Development, final plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning and Building Department as provided herein.
      .0301   Final plans shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
         .01   Site plans;
         .02   Floor plans;
         .03   Elevations;
         .04   Roof- and ground-mounted equipment plans;
         .05   Sign plans;
         .06   Landscape plans;
         .07   Fence and wall plans;
         .08   Parking, pedestrian and vehicle circulation plans, including access to adjoining public rights-of-way;
         .09   Exterior lighting plans;
         .010   Line-of-site drawings; and
         .011   Such other plans and information as may be required by the Planning Director.
      .0302   The final plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning and Building Department, for review and approval by the Planning & Building Director as set forth by Section 18.70.030 (Review Authority).
   .040   Final Plan Exemptions. The following are exempt from the final plan review and approval process:
      .0401   Interior building alterations, modifications or improvements that do not result in an increase to the gross square footage of the building, and that do not increase the parking requirements.
      .0402   Minor building additions or improvements to, or at the rear of, a building or development complex that are not visible to public rights-of-way; do not exceed five percent (5%) of the gross square footage of the existing buildings, or one thousand (1,000) square feet, whichever is less, and that do not increase the parking requirements.
      .0403   Landscape improvements or modifications that are not in connection with building modifications that require final plan review and approval.
   .050   Planning and Building Department Review of Exemptions. Plans for projects which are exempt from final plan review pursuant to subsection .040 shall be submitted to the Planning & Building Department, for a determination of conformance with the provisions of this chapter, prior to issuance of a building permit or approval of landscaping plans.
   .060   Development Review and Permits. Prior to commencing any work pertaining to the erection, construction, reconstruction, moving, conversion, alteration or addition to any building or structure within the (DMU) Overlay Zone, all building and site plans shall be subject to design review by the Economic Development Department, as well as review by the Building Division. The Economic Development Department will review project design and seek to ensure compatibility of the project with the scale and quality of development within the (DMU) Overlay Zone. The Economic Development Department will make recommendations regarding project design to the Planning Director, for consideration in connection with the Planning and Building Director decision.
   .070   Landscape Plan Review. The location of all proposed on-site and off-site landscaping, including irrigation facilities and landscaping within the parkway area (the area within the ultimate street right-of-way, as described in the Circulation Element of the Anaheim General Plan), shall be shown on a site plan, drawn to scale, and shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning and Building Department prior to installation. Such plans shall be consistent with the approved final plans. (Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6156 §§ 9-11; September 22, 2009: Ord. 6352 §§ 6-11; December 15, 2015: Ord. 6357 §§ 6 - 11; February 9, 2016: Ord. 6570 § 13; March 19, 2024: Ord. 6601 § 7; January 14, 2025.)