The following uses and structures shall be prohibited in commercial zones as described in Chapter 18.08 (Commercial Zones):
.010 Pool or billiard centers;
.020 Reconditioned used merchandise sales, except for I (SABC-Neighborhood Commercial District) (Industrial, South Anaheim Boulevard Corridor Overlay-Neighborhood Commercial District) zoned properties located on the east side of Anaheim Boulevard between Broadway and Santa Ana Street;
.030 Sex-oriented businesses;
.040 Saunas and/or spas, except when integrated into a hotel use;
.050 Amusement device arcades, except when integrated into a hotel use or a full-service restaurant;
.060 Automobile sales and rental agencies and lots;
.070 Automotive vehicle repairs, overhaul, installation of parts and accessories;
.080 Billboards;
.090 Boarding Houses;
.110 Commercial use of residential structures;
.120 Computer Internet & Amusement Facilities;
.130 Jail farms or honor farms for prisoner rehabilitation;
.140 Labor camps;
.150 Mobile home park subdivisions;
.160 Pawnshops;
.170 Self-storage or mini warehouse facilities; and
.180 Balloons, fixed or tethered, including inflatable advertising devices.
(Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6229 § 2; November 15, 2011: Ord. 6245 § 36; June 5, 2012; Ord. 6493 § 10; September 29, 2020)