The purpose of this chapter is to establish the South Anaheim Boulevard Corridor Overlay Zone (the (SABC) Overlay Zone). The purpose of the (SABC) Overlay Zone is to provide supplemental land use options and development standards for the improvement of the South Anaheim Boulevard Corridor. The (SABC) Overlay Zone is not intended to provide for the conversion, reuse or remodeling of existing industrial buildings or other buildings not developed in accordance with the standards of the (SABC) Overlay Zone. Inclusion in the (SABC) Overlay Zone will provide the benefit of enhanced economic opportunities resulting from expanded land uses. The intent of the (SABC) Overlay Zone is to accomplish the following major objectives:
.010 To provide a mechanism for the orderly development of property within the South Anaheim Boulevard Corridor portion of the Commercial/Industrial Redevelopment Project Area in order to eliminate blight and blighting influences.
.020 To provide the long-term, preferred land use strategy and development standards for the area.
.030 To encourage development of regional commercial uses to locate south of Ball Road.
.040 To encourage Boulevard and Neighborhood Residential uses north of Ball Road, with neighborhood commercial development at intersections.
.050 To ensure that new development relates well to existing residential neighborhoods.
.060 To promote adequate levels of light, air, and density of development, and efficient circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004.)