18.14.050   LOT WIDTH.
   The minimum lot width for public and special-purpose zones is shown in Table 14-E.
Table 14-E
Minimum Lot Width
Uses Permitted by Right: Minimum width required for vehicle access if such access is required
Uses Permitted by Conditional Use Permit: Standards determined as part of conditional use permit process; generally shall conform with those imposed upon publicly owned property, but, except by direction of the City Council, shall be compatible with the standards established for the surrounding zones
Uses Permitted by Right: Minimum width required for vehicle access if such access is required
Uses Permitted by Conditional Use Permit: Standards determined as part of conditional use permit process; generally shall conform with those imposed upon publicly owned property, but, except by direction of the City Council, shall be compatible with the standards established for the surrounding zones
Uses Permitted by Right: Minimum width required for vehicle access if such access is required
Uses Permitted by Conditional Use Permit: Standards determined as part of conditional use permit process; generally shall conform with those imposed upon publicly owned property, but, except by direction of the City Council, shall be compatible with the standards established for the surrounding zones
140 feet; this provision shall be deemed to be complied with regardless of actual width if the parcel was as of record on the effective date of this chapter
(Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004.)