.010 "OS" Open Space Zone. The intent of the "OS" Zone is to protect and preserve open space for the preservation of natural resources, for the conservation and managed production of other resources, for outdoor recreation and education, and for public health and safety. This zone is intended to be applied to permanent easements, public and semi-public land and agricultural land. This zone implements the Open Space designation in the General Plan.
.020 "PR" Public Recreational Zone. The intent of the "PR" Zone is to establish for the benefit of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Anaheim and its visitors, a zone to preserve, regulate and control the orderly use and enjoyment of City-owned properties and facilities and adjacent private property. Property within the purview of the Public Recreational Zone includes: (a) City-owned property, whether the same is exclusively occupied by the City or is used by others on the basis of some agreement with or concession by the City; and (b) adjacent private property, whose use and development has an impact on the use and enjoyment of City-owned property and facilities. This zone implements the Parks and Water Uses land use designations in the General Plan.
.030 "SP" Semi-Public Zone. The intent of the "SP" Zone is to provide locations for uses that support civic, governmental, cultural, health, educational, recreational, and infrastructure uses of the community, but have limited commercial uses. In some situations, other types of complementary uses are allowed with a use permit. This zone implements the Institutional, Parks, Schools, and Water Uses land use designations in the General Plan.
.040 "T" Transition Zone. The intent of the "T" Zone is to provide for a zone to include land that is used for agricultural uses, in a transitory or interim use, restricted to limited uses because of special conditions, or not zoned to one of the zoning districts in this title for whatever reason, including recent annexation. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004.)