.010   "C-G" General Commercial Zone. The intent of the "C-G" Zone is to allow a variety of land uses, including some identified for the Neighborhood Center Commercial Zone described below. Areas designated as "C-G" General Commercial do not necessarily serve the adjacent neighborhood or surrounding clusters of neighborhoods. In addition to some of the uses described in the commercial centers zones, they typically include highway-serving uses such as fast food restaurants, auto-oriented uses such as tire stores and auto parts stores, and stand-alone retail uses. This zone implements the General Commercial land use designation in the General Plan.
   .020   "C-NC" Neighborhood Center Commercial Zone. The intent of the "C-NC" Zone is to serve surrounding neighborhoods. It is intended to provide convenience uses such as grocery stores, drug stores, sporting goods stores, small retail stores, hair salons, dry cleaners, nail salons, hardware stores (excluding big-box retail), appliance stores, neighborhood-serving restaurants, bakeries, banks, specialty shops, and civic uses such as fire stations, post offices, community centers, and child care centers. It is intended to encourage clusters of commercial uses, not strip commercial development. Projects should be compatible in scale and design with adjacent residential areas and should be designed to encourage pedestrian usage. Properties located within the "C-NC" Zone are typically one (1) to fifteen (15) acres in size. This zone implements the Neighborhood Center land use designation in the General Plan.
   .030   "C-R" Regional Commercial Zone. The intent of the "C-R" Zone is to serve a larger area than the "C-NC" Zone and to include some regional commercial uses. Allowable uses could include national retail chains, department stores, specialty stores, theatres, regional-serving restaurants, and big-box retail. The "C-R" Zone also allows for limited professional offices. Properties located within the "C-R" Zone are typically eight (8) to sixty-five (65) acres in size. This zone implements the Regional Commercial land use designation in the General Plan.
   .040   "O-L" Low Intensity Office Zone. The intent of the "O-L" Zone is to provide for a variety of low-intensity office uses that are typically three (3) stories or less, including local branches of financial institutions, legal services, insurance services, real estate, consulting services, professional offices, and medical or dental offices and support services. This zone implements the Office-Low land use designation in the General Plan.
   .050   "O-H" High Intensity Office Zone. The intent of the "O-H" Zone is to provide for higher density office uses that have at least four (4) stories. This zone is intended to be applied in areas planned for more concentrated urban uses such as The Platinum Triangle, or in key locations at potential transit locations, major intersections, or in close proximity to activity centers such as the Community College in the North Euclid Street area. This zone implements the Office-High land use designation in the General Plan. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004.)