.010   Storage Capacity. Maximum tank capacity for each producing oil well. If oil or other liquid storage facilities are established incidental to a producing well on a drill site, such storage facilities shall not exceed a total of two thousand barrels per well.
   .020   Design and Construction of Tanks. All tanks shall be constructed in conformity with the current Uniform Building Code adopted by the City Council.
   .030   Foundations and Supports. Tanks shall rest directly on the ground or on foundations, supports or pilings of concrete, masonry, steel, crushed rock or wood. Exposed piling or steel supports shall be protected by fire resistive materials to provide a fire resistance rating of not less than two hours. Stairs, platforms and walkways which extend more than three feet above the surrounding ground level shall be of incombustible construction.
   .040   Spacing Between Tanks.
   .0401   No tank for the storage of any flammable liquid shall be located closer than three feet to any other such tank.
   .0402   For tanks above fifty thousand gallons individual capacity for the storage of any flammable liquid, except crude petroleum, the distance between such tanks shall not be less than one-half the diameter of the smaller tank.
   .0403   Tanks for the storage of crude petroleum having capacities not exceeding one hundred twenty-six thousand gallons (three thousand barrels) shall not be less than three feet apart; tanks having a capacity in excess of one hundred twenty thousand gallons (three thousand barrels) shall not be less than the diameter of the smaller tank apart.
   .0404   The minimum separation between liquefied petroleum gas container and any other tanks for the storage of any flammable liquids shall be twenty feet. Suitable means shall be taken to prevent the accumulation of flammable liquids under adjacent liquefied petroleum gas containers such as by diking, diversion curbs or grading. When flammable liquid storage tanks are diked, the liquefied petroleum gas containers shall be outside the diked area and at least ten feet away from the centerline of the dikes. The foregoing provision shall not apply when liquefied petroleum gas containers of one hundred twenty-five gallons or less capacity are installed adjacent to Class III flammable liquid storage tanks of two hundred seventy-five gallons or less capacity.
   .050   Location of Tanks. Minimum distance between any outside aboveground tank to the nearest building or line of adjoining property which may be built upon:
   .0501   Flammable liquids other than those having boil-over characteristics similar to crude petroleum:
Class of Capacity of Tank
Flammable Liquid
Minimum Distance
Class of Capacity of Tank
Flammable Liquid
Minimum Distance
0 to 275 gals.
0 feet
276 to 750 gals.
5 feet
0 to 750 gals.
I and II
10 feet
721 to 12,000 gals.
10 feet
751 to 12,000 gals.
I and II
15 feet
12,001 to 24,000 gals.
I, II and III
15 feet
24,001 to 30,000 gals.
I, II and III
20 feet
30,001 to 50,000 gals.
I, II and III
25 feet
   .0502   Crude petroleum and other liquids having boil-over characteristics similar to crude petroleum and flammable liquid tanks with capacity in excess of fifty thousand gallons:
   .0502.01   Storage Facilities. Crude petroleum and tanks with capacity in excess of fifty thousand gallons.
   Tanks with capacities in excess of fifty thousand gallons and all tanks for the storage of crude petroleum shall be located in accordance with the following provisions (applicable to gas-tight tanks including conservation type tanks constructed in compliance with these or equivalent standards):
   .0502.02   Group A Tanks. Any gas-tight tank* constructed in compliance with these or equivalent standards and equipped either with:
   .0502.0201   An approved permanently attached extinguishing system; or
   .0502.0202   An approved floating roof, which is to be used only for the storage of refined petroleum products or other flammable liquids not subject to boil-over, shall be so located that the distance from the line of adjoining property which may be built upon shall be not less than the greatest dimension of diameter or height of the tank, except that such distance need not exceed one hundred twenty feet.
   .0502.03   Group B Tanks. Any gas-tight tank* constructed in compliance with these or equivalent standards but not equipped either with:
   .0502.0301   An approved permanently attached extinguishing system; or
   .0502.0302   An approved floating roof, which is to be used only for the storage of refined petroleum products or other flammable liquids not subject to boil-over shall be so located that the distance from the line of adjoining property which may be built upon shall be not less than one and one-half times of the greatest dimension of diameter or height of the tank, except that such distance need not exceed one hundred seventy-five feet.
   .0502.04   Group C Tanks. Any gas-tight tank* constructed in compliance with these or equivalent standards and equipped either with:
   .0502.0401   An approved permanently attached extinguishing system; or
   .0502.0402   An approved floating roof, which is to be used for the storage of crude petroleum, shall be so located that the distance from the line of adjoining property which may be built upon shall be not less than twice the greatest dimension of diameter or height of the tank except that such distance shall be not less than twenty feet and need not exceed one hundred seventy-five feet.
   .0502.05   Group D Tanks. Any gas-tight tank* constructed in compliance with these or equivalent standards not equipped either with:
   .0502.0501   An approved permanently attached extinguishing system; or
   .0502.0502   An approved floating roof, which is to be used for the storage of crude petroleum, shall be so located that the distance from the line of adjoining property which may be built upon shall be not less than three times the greatest dimension of diameter or height of the tank except that such distance shall be not less than twenty feet and need not exceed three hundred fifty feet.
   .0502.06   The term "approved attached extinguishing system," as used in the foregoing description may be interpreted to apply to:
   .0502.0601   A fixed foam or other recognized extinguishing system embodying a supply of the extinguishing medium; or,
   .0502.0602   A system employing a pipeline for conveying foam from a point outside the dike to the tank; or
   .0502.0603   Portable overshot devices for applying foam over the rim of the tank. Where reliance is placed on a pipeline for conveying foam, the pipeline shall be so installed and attached as to be an integral part of the tank. Where reliance is placed on a portable overshot device the practicability of its use shall be demonstrated before approval. Approved foam generating equipment of sufficient capacity should be available on the property, by response of a municipal or other public fire department, or otherwise readily available; and there should be on hand or otherwise readily available a sufficient supply of foam-producing materials as specified in HBFU Standards for Foam Extinguishing Systems No. 11;
   .0502.0604   Buildings essential to the operation of the storage facilities (building location). No building used for human occupancy, except buildings essential to the operation of the storage facilities shall be erected within the distances set out in the tables above, from such storage tanks.
   .060   Diverse Ownership. Where tank locations of diverse ownership have a common boundary, the City Manager may, with the written consent of the owners, waive the required distances from the common property line and substitute the space between tanks as provided in this section.
   .070   Dikes, Diversion Walls and Catchment Basins.
   .0701   Required. Tanks used for the storage of crude petroleum and other flammable liquids having similar boil-over characteristics shall be diked, or provided with approved diversion walls and catchment basins, or combinations thereof.
   .0702   Location. No catchment basin or diked impounding area shall be located closer to the outer boundary line, or to any building designed for human occupancy than the diameter or height (whichever is greater) of the largest tank served by such basin or area, nor shall any building designed for human occupancy be erected or placed closer than such distance to any catchment basin or diked impounding area.
   .0703   Capacity. The net capacity of a catchment basin, diked impounding basins or any combination thereof shall be equal to the capacity of the largest tank, plus ten percent of the aggregate capacity of all other tanks served. In computing the required capacity of a catchment basin, diked impounding basin or combination thereof:
   .0703.01   The volume of the largest tank up to the height of the dike shall be considered as part of the available capacity of a diked impounding basin;
   .0703.02   No part of the volume of tanks other than the largest tank shall be considered as part of the available capacity;
   .0703.03   The capacity of a separate catchment basin may be used to reduce the required capacity of a diked impounding basin provided drainage sufficient to prevent overflow of the dike and effective control of flow are provided;
   .0703.04   The capacity of a single separate catchment basin may be applied to reduce the required capacity of each of the diked impounding basins draining into it.
   .0704   Construction. Dikes shall be of earth, concrete or solid masonry designed to be liquid tight and shall be maintained. Where piping passes through dikes, provision shall be made for movement without damage to the dike and to minimize leaks under emergency conditions. Earthen dikes shall be built and maintained at a minimum height of two feet, have sloping sides consistent with the angle of repose of the material used, and be not less than two feet wide at the top. The distance between the inside toe of any dike and the shell of the tank shall be not less than five feet for tanks and not more than thirty feet in diameter and ten feet for tanks in excess of thirty feet in diameter.
   .0704.01   Spill Dikes. Where tanks within a common diked impounding basin may cause mutual exposure from spills, spill dikes shall be provided between tanks of ten thousand barrels or greater individual capacity. Groups of tanks of less than ten thousand barrels individual capacity and not in excess of fifteen thousand barrels aggregate capacity may be enclosed within a single spill dike. The height of such spill dike shall not exceed fifty percent of the height of the main or perimeter dikes.
   .0704.02   Drainage. Drainage shall be provided at a consistent slope of not less than one percent away from tanks and fittings to a sump, drain box or other safe means of disposal located within the diked impounding area and at the greatest possible distance from the shell of the tank. Traps with not less than six inches of liquid seal shall be provided between the sumps, drain boxes or sewer openings within any impounding area and the sewers or drains intended for the disposal of spills. A valve, operable from outside the dike, shall be provided in the dike drain system and shall normally be kept closed.
   .0704.03   Disposal. Approved provisions shall be made for disposing of water and of oil retained by dikes, impounding or catchment basins.
   .080   Suspension of Requirements. In particular installations, some or all of the requirements of subsections .040, .050 and .070 of this section governing storage facilities may be suspended, in whole or in part, or less restrictive requirements may be imposed impending further order of the City Manager, where such requirements are rendered unnecessary or unreasonable by reason of the then existing special features such as: topography, nature of occupancy and proximity to buildings on adjoining property, the height and character of construction of such buildings, capacity and construction of the proposed tanks and the character of liquids to be stored, the degree of private fire protection to be provided and the facilities of the fire department to cope with flammable liquid fires.
   .090   Skim Ponds. Any open, accessible, surface or subsurface installation used for the disposal of permitted waste liquids shall be fenced in accordance with the preceding fencing provision.
   .100   Loading by Truck from Production Tank Sites.
   .1001   Location. Tank vehicle loading racks, loading platforms or movable loading spouts or arms dispensing flammable liquids shall be separated from tanks, warehouses, other buildings, public streets and nearest line of property that may be built upon a clear distance of not less than twenty-five feet measured from the nearest position of any fill stem. Buildings for pumps or for shelter of loading personnel may be part of the loading rack or platform. No person shall load or unload, or permit the loading or unloading of a tank vehicle unless such vehicle is located outside of any public street right-of-way.
   .1002   Loading and Unloading Operations. During the loading or unloading of a tank vehicle, a qualified person shall be at the loading or unloading controls. Provision shall be made for the safe disposal of the oils release by overflow and from loading spouts or lines. (Ord. 2196 § 1 (part); October 19, 1965.)
*   The term gas-tight tank includes so-called conservation type tanks.