.010   Service of Notice. Every operator of any oil well shall designate an agent who is a resident of the State of California, upon whom all orders and notices provided in this chapter may be served in person, or by registered or certified mail. Every operator so designating such agent shall within ten days notify the City Manager, in writing, of any change in such agent or such mailing address unless operations within the City are discontinued. Service by registered, or certified mail, or in person on the agent so designated shall constitute service for all purposes of this chapter.
   .020   Transfer of Operator. The operator shall notify the City Manager in writing of the sale, assignment, transfer, conveyance or exchange by said operator of wells, property and equipment within ten days after such sale, assignment, transfer, conveyance or exchange. The notice shall contain the following:
   .0201   The name and address of the person to whom such well and property was sold, assigned, transferred, conveyed or exchanged;
   .0202   The name and location of the well;
   .0203   The date of sale, assignment, transfer, conveyance or exchange;
   .0204   The date when possession was relinquished by the former operator;
   .0205   A description of the properties and equipment transferred. Every person who acquires any well, property or equipment, whether by purchase, transfer, assignment, conveyance, exchange or otherwise, shall within ten days after acquiring such well, property or equipment notify the City Manager, in writing, of his ownership. The notice shall contain the following:
   .0205.01   The name and address of the person from whom such well and property was acquired,
   .0205.02   The name and location of the well,
   .0205.03   The date of acquisition,
   .0205.04   The date possession was acquired,
   .0205.05   A description of the properties and equipment transferred,
   .0205.06   The person designated for service of notice and his address.
   .030   Suspension of Drilling and Redrilling Operations. The operator of any well shall notify the City Manager, in writing, of any temporary suspension of operations, pending a resumption of operations or abandonment. The City Manager, for good cause, may approve temporary suspension of operations. Such notice shall be filed with the City Manager within thirty days from and after release of drilling crew. Failure of the City Manager to act within ten days shall constitute approval thereof. The operator shall notify the City Manager, in writing, upon resumption of operations giving the date thereof.
   .040   Change in Drilling Contractor. The operator, before changing drilling or redrilling contractors, shall file with the City Manager a written notice of the change, giving the name of the original contractor and the name of the proposed contractor, and such information as was originally required to meet the design and structural requirements of this chapter. Such notice shall be attached to and become a part of the original oil drilling or redrilling permit. (Ord. 2196 § 1 (part); October 19, 1965.)