.010 Per single-family detached unit, 310.15 square feet.
.020 Per single-family attached unit, 243.94 square feet.
.030 Per two-to-four plex units, 342.38 square feet.
.040 Per five or more units, 270.94 square feet.
.050 Per mobilehome dwelling unit, 218.67 square feet.
.060 Notwithstanding subsections .010 through .050 above, per single residential unit in the Platinum Triangle, 44.00 square feet.
The above-listed amounts of land shall be based on the following formula:
Amount of land per dwelling unit =

S = Park standard
P = Population density per dwelling unit
Values used for determining amounts of land per dwelling unit:
S = 2.0 acres or 87,120 square feet per 1,000 population
P = 3.56 persons/single-family detached unit
P = 2.80 persons/single-family attached unit
P = 3.93 persons/two-to-four plex units
P = 3.11 persons/five or more units
P = 2.51 persons/mobilehome dwelling unit
P = 1.50 persons/Platinum Triangle dwelling unit, any other provision hereof notwithstanding
In addition to the dedication of land, the City Council annually shall establish the amount of fees to be paid to develop the parks. The established fees shall not exceed an amount determined in accordance with the following formula:

D = Development cost per acre
S = Standard (master planned) acreage per dwelling unit
P = Persons per dwelling unit
Values used for determining the amount of the fees:
D = As established by resolution and updated annually, according to cost inflation measured by the Construction Price Index
S = 2.0 acres per 1,000 population
P = 3.56 persons/single-family detached unit
P = 2.80 persons/single-family attached unit
P = 3.93 persons/two-to-four plex units
P = 3.11 persons/five or more units
P = 2.51 persons/mobilehome dwelling unit
P = 1.50 persons/Platinum Triangle dwelling unit, any other provision hereof notwithstanding
In applying the formula above, no credit shall be allowed for private open space in the subdivision. (Ord. 3568 § 2 (part); July 27, 1976: Ord. 4913 § 1 (part); March 29, 1988: Ord. 5260 § 1 (part); October 8, 1991; Ord. 5775 § 1; July 24, 2001: Ord. 5966 § 27; April 26, 2005.)