The Director of Public Works shall, by written permit, authorize the use of highways within the City of Anaheim in accordance with the terms of the application, if, in his judgment and that of the Chief of Police, said highways and appurtenant public and private property can safely withstand such use. Such permit shall specify the period of time for which it is to be effective; the route or routes to be traveled; the date, hour and number of trips to be made; such stops as shall be made within the City of Anaheim, and such other terms and conditions which the Director of Public Works and the Chief of Police determine necessary for public convenience and safety. Every permit shall be carried in the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers and shall be open to inspection of any peace officer, traffic officer, authorized agent of the Director of Public Works, or any other officer or employee charged with the care or protection of such highways. (Ord. 2389 § 1 (part); May 23, 1967.)